Haunted Horrors

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Rose walks with Beanie into a forest. "I wanted to introduce you to my friend." Beanie said smiling. " They live in the forest?" Rose asked looking around. Yeah they can help you get better at singing and we are here!" Beanie said pointing to the house. After ringing the door bell. A wooden girl with blond hair and a green shirt came outside. "Beanie!" The girl said giving her a hug. "Hey Melody! This is Rose and I thought that you could help her sing." Beanie said pointing to Rose. "Hi." Rose said shyly. "Ok let's see what you got!" A ghost girl burst from the girl's back. "Alright." Rose said shocked with the ghost appearing.

After Sweet and Sour

"Wow your not bad." Melody said impressed. "Thank you." Rose said blushing. "Hmm want to do another song?!?" Melody asked excited. "Ok!" Rose said getting ready.

After South

"Hey you are getting-" "Freeze!" A man wearing a skull mask holding a gun at Melody. "You are going to the lab willingly or by force the man said. "You are not taking her." Benir said as her eyes lit up. Melody hid behind Rose. "Who is that?" Rose asked whispering. "Thats the bounty hunter that is going to take me away. Please don't let him me." Melody pleaded looking at Rose. "I'm not letting you take her either." Rose said protecting Melody. "Hm fine if you beat me in a rap battle then I will leave her alone deal?" The man asked. "Deal." Rose said.

After Prey

"Ok I won, now leave us alone." Rose said. "Hm sorry but I am payed to take this creature.  And I am not going to leave just cus you beat me in petty singing battle." The man said holding a gun about to shoot. Suddenly Beanie snapped her fingers and the man vanished. "Good thing my grandma taught me how to do that." Beanie smiled. "You  should be safe now." Rose said to Melody comforting her. "Let's all head back to my place, you should be safe there." Melody said started walking. "Ok thank you." Melody said as they headed to Beanie's house.

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