Late Night Shots

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"Hmm I think we are supposed to take a right here." Rose said looking around. "Hey babe are you sure you know where you are going?" Beanie asked holding the speakers. "Don't worry we are almost there." Rose said reassuring.  After a few minutes later "Umm we are lost." Rose said embarrassed. "Hey Beanie is that you?" A man with ginger hair and beard and was holding a gun. " Uncle Pico!" Beanie said giving him a hug. "You must be Beanie's girlfriend." Pico said looking at Rose. "Yeah nice to meet you." Rose said. "So what are you guys doing here?" Pico asked. "We got lost." Beanie said embarrassed. "Well if you beat me in a battle then I will tell you how to get home. Deal?" Pico asked. "All right deal." Rose said grabbing her microphone.

After Go Pico

"Hmm Boyfriend did say that you beat him at a rap battle. I thought he was lying but now I see what he means." Pico siad amazed.  "T-Thank you." Rose said blushing. " Well that means I have to go hard on you. Beanie start the next song." Pico said. "Got it." Beanie said starting the next song.

After Philly Nice

"Hmm not bad." Pico said impressed. "Thank you." Rose said. Suddenly Pico pointed a gun at Beanie. "Uncle Pico what the heck?!?" "Quiet!" Pico said interrupting her. "Let her go." Rose said pulling out her gun. "I will tell you what if you beat me in one more battle then I will let you go. But of you lost then balm this peaceful battle. So we got a deal?" Pico siad looking at Rose. "Deal." Rose said getting her microphone and gun ready.

After Shootout

"Hmm so I was right." Pico soad putting his gun down. "About what?" Rose said confused. " This was a test to see if you will do anything to make sure Beanie is safe and you proved me right." Pico said. "What kind of test is that?!?!" Beanie said annoyed. "A test to make your parents are not worried about you." Pico said to Beanie "Anyway see you." " Hey Pico you said you will tell us how to get home." Rose said. "Oh right, you might want to turn around." Pico said pointing to the house. "Oh" Rose said embarrassed.

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