Meet and Greet

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"Wow the mall looks really pretty this time of year, along with the snowflakes, elves, and reindeers!" Beanie said excited. "It sure is!" Rose said also excited. "And do some shopping!!!" "Yeah lets go." Rose said as before she ran off. "Well since she gone, I can do my Christmas shopping for her." Rose said looking around. After a while of looking at store, Rose had no luck finding anything. "Man there has to be something I can get her." Rose said starting to lose hopem Suddenly a bunch of people started running while screaming in excitement. "What going on?" Beanie asked coming back with a bunch of bags. "A sale maybe?" Rose said also curious. " Wait what is today?" "The 17th why?" Rose asked looking confused. "Oh that makes ." Beanie said relieved. "Hey Beanie!" BF said before Rose could ask. "It's the annual family meet and greet." Beanie explained to a speechless Rose. "These guys are everywhere" Rose thought. "Since you are here, how about a rematch, us against you?" BF asked sitting in a chair "Yeah great idea!" GF agreed sitting on his lap. "Ok let's go." Rose said.

After Eggnog

"Wow you have good better since last time." Bf said impressed. " I have haven't I?" Rose thought. "Anyway lets see if you can best at this song." Gf said. "Bring it on! Beanie hit it!" Rose said with confidence. "You got it babe!" Beanie said, starting the next song.

After Cocoa

Suddenly the lights went dark. When the lights came back on there was figure. The figure had a skull head, muscles and green goo running down it's body. "Hello again." It said in an unsettling tone. "It can't be." Rose said also speechless. It is, the doctor gave me a new look and now I am here to finish the job. So where is she?" The man asked looking at Beanie. "Like we will tell you." Beanie said. " Fine how about a rap battle?" The man asked. " No way last time you tricked us." Rose said. Suddenly the man hold a gun to Beanie. "Now let's try this again, how about a rap battle." The man repeated. "Ok fine but you let her go if I win." Rose said keeping her hand on her gun. "Deal." The man said smiling.

After Red Snow

The man was about to shoot Beanie until Rose got her gun in shot him on the forehead. Suddenly everything started to shake and voices were everywhere until Rose woke up to Beanie shaking her. "Rose are you alright? " Beanie asked concerned as Bf and Gf was behind her also concerned. "So it was all a dream." Rose thought. "Anyway yeah I'm fine." "Let's head home, Melody is probably worried about us." Beanie said. So they all walked back home to celebrate the holidays with no worries of creepy bounty hunters whatsoever.

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