Chapter Three - Some Brotherly Banter

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After the excitement around going to the surface for the first time died down, Leonardo sat down on the couch to watch his favorite television show: Space Heroes.

As the episode reached its climax, Leonardo began quoting along with the show under his breath.

"Gentlemen, I have a bold and daring plan. There's no time for hesitation. My orders must be carried out without question."

Raphael walked by, giving his brother an unimpressed stare. "You know this show is stupid, right?"

"Space Heroes is a great show and Captain Ryan is a great hero. Someday, I am gonna be just like him," Leonardo replied, looking from the television to his brother.

"Well, you do like to hear yourself talk, so you're on your way," Raphael joked. In truth, the oldest of the four brothers was very reserved with his thoughts; so much so that his brothers often had to look at him to make sure he was still there.

"It's go time!" Michelangelo shouted suddenly.

It took about twenty minutes for the four of them to get ready to head up to the surface. Now, they were standing in front of Master Splinter, waiting for permission to leave the lair for the first time ever.

"You are going up to a strange and hostile world. You must maintain awareness at all times."

"Hai, sensei," they said in unison.

"Stay in the shadows."

"Hai, sensei."

"Don't talk to strangers."

"Hai, sensei."

"Everyone is a stranger!"

"Hai, sensei." At this point, the four turtles were starting to become annoyed with their father's overprotectiveness.

"Make sure you go before you leave. The restrooms up there are filthy."


Master Splinter took a deep breath. "Good luck, my sons."

As soon as he finished speaking, the four brothers began cheering as they headed out of the lair for the surface.

"Here we go!" Michelangelo said victoriously. He was practically skipping with excitement. "I am so pumped!"

"Surface time!" Raphael shouted, pumping his fist in the air.

"Oh, this is gonna be epic!" Donatello clapped his hands together.

Leonardo, as usual, was keeping his thoughts to himself; but his smile said that he was just as excited as his brothers. As they were leaving, Master Splinter called out one last thing after them:

"Look both ways before crossing the street!"

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