Chapter Eleven - Rescue

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Leonardo led his brothers around the side of the building, careful to remain out of sight as he peered around to watch the road.

"They'll be here any minute," Snake said.

"Kraang, are those who are coming to this place coming to this place?" one of the others asked, turning his head to look at the others.

"I lack that knowledge, Kraang," another answered. "I will inquire of Kraang about that knowledge." He turned to look at another. "Do you have the knowledge if those coming to this place are near this place, Kraang?"

"They're turtles!" Snake snapped. "Call them turtles! 'Are the turtles here?'"

A third man, the one the second looked at, pointed past Snake. "There are lights of a vehicle which contain that which you wish us to call the turtles coming to this place which you wish us to call here."

'What are you talking about?" Snake asked.

The van crashed into the hideout as Snake dropped back to get out of the way. But a canister of mutagen splashed on him, going unnoticed by both the turtles and the strange men.

Leonardo gestured for his brothers to climb up the wall with him as the Kraang stood over the van and looked inside.

"The ones coming to this place are not in the vehicle bringing them to this place," said one of the men.

"Then in what place are the ones called the turtles?" questioned another.

Michelangelo looked over at them as the four turtles climbed the wall. "Wow, lucky thing that van showed up to distract them."

Donatello, annoyed, went to facepalm, but hit himself in the face with his own claw that they were using to climb with. "Ow!"

Leonardo sighed. "That was the plan, Mikey," he said patiently. "We knew Snake was hiding in the alley, so Raph and I made him think we would be in the van."

"But we weren't in the van," Michelangelo said.

"Just keep climbing," Leonardo sighed.

"Can do."

Reaching the top of the building, the four jumped inside and rendered the men unconscious. Donatello looked around in awe.

"Wow, I've never seen anything like this. They're using a metal alloy that I don't even recognize."

"Gosh!" Raphael said sarcastically. "A metal alloy even you don't know about! It boggles the mind."

Donatello glared at him. "Dude, you wanna talk metallurgy with me? Bring it."

"I don't, and –" Raphael was cut off by Leonardo glaring at them.

"Guys," he hissed. "What part of being in an enemy lair do you not understand?"

As they continued forwards, they saw tall silver humanoid robots with brains in their stomachs.

"Whoa," Donatello breathed. "Alien robots."

"Alien robots, huh?" Michelangelo asked mockingly. "Hmm, where have I heard that before? Oh, yeah. I've been saying it for HOURS!"

With his shout, the droids turned towards them. With a reluctant sigh, Leonardo dealt with them before his brothers could even react. When they did, a pink alien brain popped out of the stomach of one of the droids and screeched at them. Michelangelo hit it with one of his nun-chucks and picked it up.

"See? See? It's a brain thing! I told you! But did any believe me? No! 'Cause you all think I'm just some kind of bonehead!"

The brain-thing screeched as it woke up, biting Michelangelo on the arm, causing him to yelp and start flailing to get it off. He did, but it flew directly into a button that triggered the alarm, alerting the rest of the droids to the location of the turtles.

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