Chapter Eight - Interrogation

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The four turtles stared at the canister in shock and disbelief. It was Leonardo who spoke first.

"So that's the –"

"Mutagen that turned us all into what we are," Donatello cut across him.

"Let's drink some!" Michelangelo exclaimed.

"What? Why would you do that?" Raphael questioned.

"'Cause if you mutate a mutant, you get a super mutant!" Michelangelo explained.

"Or a puddle of goo on the sidewalk," Donatello pointed out.

"Either way, it's an improvement," Raphael shrugged.

"Guys," Leonardo said, regaining his brothers' attention. "This is huge. Whoever kidnapped those people are somehow connected to what happened to us fifteen years ago."

"How is that possible?" Donatello asked.

"For alien robots, anything is possible," Michelangelo replied.

Donatello groaned in annoyance. "Stop that. There are no such thing as alien robots!"

"Oh, yeah?" Michelangelo challenged. He walked over to the man, who was just climbing out of the van. "Well, if there's no such thing as alien robots, how do you explain this?" He started to trying to pull off the man's face.

"Aah! Aah! My face!" Snake screamed.

"Man, this mask is glued on tight," Michelangelo commented.

"Mikey, stop!" Leonardo said, grabbing his youngest brother's wrist. "It's not a mask."

Michelangelo sighed as he dropped Snake. "Okay. He's in the clear. But those other guys were totally alien robots."

Leonardo rolled his eyes as he grabbed Snake's arms and held him in place.

"Enough!" Raphael said. He grabbed the canister from Donatello and walked over to Snake. "Time to get some answers. Who are you, and what's going on?"

"Name's Snake, and I got nothing to say to you hideous freaks."

"Oh, well, that's 'cause you don't know us yet," Raphael replied, smiling maliciously. He opened the canister and held it over Snake's head.

"Wha – what are you doing?" Snake asked nervously.

"Playing a little game I like to call Mutation Roulette," Raphael answered. "Now, you could turn out handsome like me, or you might end up disgusting and deformed, like Mikey here."


"So, you feel lucky?" Raphael questioned, tilting the canister ever-so-slightly. It was enough to freak Snake out.

"Okay, okay! They call themselves the Kraang. They've been grabbing scientists from all over the city."

"That worked out pretty good," Leonardo commented.

"Of course it did," Raphael replied. "Would you wanna look like Mikey?"

"I'm right here," Michelangelo pointed out, sulking.

"What do they want with the scientists?" Leonardo asked Snake, tightening his grip on him.

"I don't know," Snake replied honestly. "All I know is they're taking them out of the city tonight, but I don't know where!"

"This is awesome!" Donatello said suddenly. "That girl's dad is a scientist. I'm a scientist." He giggled to himself. "She is so gonna like me."

Snake gave him a strange look. "I don't think you're her type."

"Where are they now?" Leonardo asked.

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