Chapter Five - Damsel in Distress

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It was a few hours later that Leonardo finally spoke again.

"All right, guys, it's getting late. We should probably head back home."

"Guys!" Donatello said suddenly, looking down at the street below. "Look at that!"

The other three followed his gaze to where two people were walking, a man who looked to be in his mid-forties with red hair and blue eyes, with a bit of facial hair; and a teenage girl who looked to be his daughter, with her bright red hair tied back in a ponytail and her blue eyes on her phone.

"She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen," Donatello mumbled.

Raphael rolled his eyes. "Isn't she the only girl you've ever seen?"

"My point still stands," Donatello huffed.

Down on the street, Kirby O'Neil and his daughter April stopped as they were approached by a skinny guy with a white t-shirt and greasy black hair known as 'Snake' and a group of men wearing business suit.

"What? What is this?" Kirby questioned.

April shivered and cowered closer to her father as the men surrounded them.

"We gotta save 'em!" Donnie said firmly.

Leonardo sighed. "Splinter's instructions were very clear. We're supposed to stay away from people." He looked down at the girl and her father again. "But... we can't just let them get taken either."

He pulled out one of his katanas and jumped down, with the other three following behind.

"Help! Help!" April cried out.

"Hey!" Raphael shouted, getting the men's attention.

What followed was nothing short of chaos, with the brothers narrowly avoiding hitting each other as they attempted to fight off the men. They nearly succeeded, until Donatello got distracted by April and got himself almost knocked unconscious, had Leonardo not intervened to save him, causing the men to get away with April and Kirby. Then they went to look for Michelangelo, who was panicked about something.

"Guys! Guys! You're never gonna believe this!" he shouted. "That dude, he – he – had a brain!"

Leonardo sighed in annoyance. "We all have brains, Mikey."

"Not all of us," Donatello muttered. Leonardo glared at him.

"In our chests?" Michelangelo asked.

Another sigh. "No, Mikey. Not in our chests."

"You're not listening to me!" Michelangelo shouted.

Leonardo gave out a third sigh. "Let's just go tell sensei what happened."

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