Episode 4

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"Last time, on Total Drama Minecraft, the mobs participated in an Awake-a-thon! They tried staying up for as long as possible, which was very hard for some reason, even though mobs aren't supposed to be able to sleep. I don't know how they have been for the past three episodes though. It's very confusing. Did I break the fourth wall? I don't know. But anyway, Agatha cheated, and this got her eliminated. What will I put these contestants through today? Find out right now on Total Drama Minecraft!" Herobrine said.

* * *

Killer Sheep (9): Ender, Skelly, Spidey, Creep, Blaise, Mag, Ron, Sno, Wither

Screaming Cows (8): Endie, Silvester, Mucus, Zupay, Zombee, Zombieswine, Kat, Cavell

* * *

The girls' cabin was not quiet again. Mag was snoring again, Blaise was yelling again, and Kat was whining again. But this time, Agatha was not there to shut them up.

Sno was also not there. No one knew where she was.

* * *

The Killer Sheep boys' cabin was quiet again. Skelly, Spidey, Creep, and Ender were sound asleep again. The Wither occasionally muttered again. Ron was no where to be seen. No one knew where he was.

* * *

The Screaming Cows boys' cabin was not quiet again. Zupay, Zombee, and Zombieswine were throwing Mucus again. Silvester was hiding under his covers again. Cavell was yelling at Endie again. Endie was being very annoyed again. Mucus was being thrown around again.

* * *

Ron and Sno sat together on the dock. They were stargazing. Ron had his giant iron arm around Sno's tiny body. They were cuddling close together.

"Sno," Ron said, looking into her eyes. "Spending an entire day with you has brought me to believe that I lov--"

"CHALLENGE TIME!" Herobrine's voice boomed from everywhere at once.

"But we already did a challenge today!" Sno shouted.

Herobrine teleported in front of them. "Technically, that was yesterday's challenge," he said matter-of-factly. "It just lasted till today."

"But it's night time!" Sno protested.

"Exactly. Heh heh. Meet me at the campfire area!" Herobrine shouted, and he teleported away.

"We shall finish this, another time," Ron said, getting on one knee and kissing Sno's hand. Then they walked to the campfire area, hand in hand.

These two are so cute I can't wait to ELIMINATE THEM! Haha just kidding. They might not be eliminated today...

* * *

Herobrine stood in front of the seventeen remaining contestants at the campfire area. They were all tired, especially Endie, who hadn't gotten any sleep in a long time.

"Why do we have to be here at night?" Kat whined.

"Because tonight's challenge is MANHUNT!" Herobrine said excitedly. "Or, I guess it would be mobhunt..."

"I'm just glad I don't have to listen to this fatty snore," Blaise said, gesturing to Mag.

"She's not fat!" Mucus called out.

Everyone looked at him, including Mag.

"What?" Mucus asked sheepishly.

"Does everyone know how to play manhunt?" Herobrine asked.

All the mobs shook their heads no.

"Ughhhhhh. So I have to explain it and waste another like fifty words?" Herobrine asked angrily.

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