𝗪𝗢𝗡𝗞𝗔 ᴡᴏɴᴋᴀ

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chapter one

Today was an exciting day for Senku. His red eyes held nothing but excitement as he watched the people stroll around the open pavement. His eyes caught sight of a vacant lot as he stood before it. He dreamt of the day where this lot will be replaced with a building of his own; His own chocolate factory. But he had to be patient. He still haven't came up with a name for his factory anyways.

Senku mentally noted the spot and continued his way to his new house. His new home. It was left for him by his father a year ago after he had unfortunately passed away. Although the passing of his father had messed with for some time, he knew he had to push that aside and not have that affect him and his goals. His father wouldn't want him to fail because if him anyways. He had to achieve his goal for him and his father sake.

After finding his way into his new home, he place his belongings on the floor before throwing himself on the large bed. He was excited for tomorrow.


Senku stood in front of the empty land he saw yesterday. He held his suitcase near his body as he watched people walked past him without a care in the world. He smirked to himself before clearing his throat, grabbing a handful of attention toward himself.

"Hello, everybody! My name is Senku Ishigami! I am a magician, an inventor and a chocolate maker."

The individuals who were once enjoying their time stopped to focus their attention on the magician. Their eyes were filled with confusion, yet curiosity was also shown on their faces as they watched the man.

Senku stood on his suitcase and took out a piece of chocolate from his coat pocket. "This chocolate, made with the cocoa all the way from the Atlantic ocean and milk from flamingoes and doves—as well as love—can guarantee you flight and would have you wanting more." He watched the reactions of the gathering crowd and continued speaking as it had motivated him. "Would anyone like to try it? Come on. Anybody? You?" He pointed to a small child.

The young boy looked up to his mother for approval, which he was given. He was hesitant to stand before Senku and take the treat, but he did so anyway. His mouth started moving as he took in the outstanding flavors of the chocolate. The crowd watched as they waited for the boy's response. The child swallowed the sweet and stood there nonchalantly—he wasn't sure what to do. However, his body began to move upward as he feet began to release itself from the floor.

"Mummy!" He cried out. Senku took a hold of his hand to make sure he doesn't go up any further.

"How was it, sir?" The inventor questioned. The boy's eyes light up as he recalled the flavor of the chocolate.

"It was amazing! The best chocolate I've ever tasted. Do you have more, mister?"

Senku smirked and pulled the boy down towards him. "Of course I do. I have more to go around." He handed the child to his mother, who took her son from him with caution, and stood on the ground to gain access to his suitcase. He opened it and took out a jar filled with chocolate. He twisted the cap and out came the chocolates as it escaped it's cage.

The group climbed amongst each other to grab at least one of the treats to try. "Calm down people. There's enough to go around." Senku gleefully handed each individual their piece and watched as they consumed it. Their eyes widen in surprised as they witness themselves floating from the pavement. "Now, this flight effect will only last a whole minute, so do with it as you please." He hummed at their exciting faces as he packed up his suitcase to head home.

Senku never felt so happy for himself. He found today to be a success and he knew if he kept this up, he'll be able to make a name for himself.

He breathe out a satisfied breath as he walked up to his porch. He began searching for his keys to unlock his front door.

"Excuse me, sir." He was interrupted. He turned to face the voice of the person calling to him.


"I saw what you did. It was so cool!" Senku wouldn't admit that he was flustered by the comment, but he was more focused as to why this person was following him. Better yet, on his yard.

"I'm flattered." He focused his attention back to his front door, stabbing the key into the keyhole to unlock the door.

"I don't know what it is you're doing, but I'd like to join you."

Senku was taken aback by the statement. He paused in his spot before turning to look at the person. "Come back tomorrow then we can talk." He opened his front door and give the young adult a smile before walking in and closing the door behind him.


Onto chapter 2...

an: I just want to start off by apologizing if the first chapter felt 'off' or bad. I just needed something to start off for the rest of story.

𝗪𝗢𝗡𝗞𝗔 𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒌𝒖 𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒈𝒂𝒎𝒊 HIATUS Where stories live. Discover now