𝗪𝗢𝗡𝗞𝗔 ᴡᴏɴᴋᴀ

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chapter six

Yuzuriha Ogawa gave the two young adults a tender smile as she allowed them into her office. She silently thanked the woman who guided them to her room before turning back to face her guest.

"I'm so glad you could make it, Ms. Y/N." The brown head lady walked over to her desk and sat down in her seat. "So..designs?"

Y/N looked at Senku as she waited for him to speak. Senku slowly nodded his head after clearing his throat. "Yes," He started. "I'm making a chocolate factory and I think I'd like for you to help me with the building designs."

"Well. I think that's the reason why you're here?" Yuzuriha chuckled, forcing Senku and Y/N to nod their heads awkwardly. "Well you came to the right person. I've helped plenty of people succeed in their business with just my designs." Her hands went into her draw and pulled out a newspaper. "Know this man? I helped design his building and look at it now? It's booming!"

"Crush candy..." The scientist muttered to himself.

"Ah. You know him, don't you?" She folded the paper and placed it back into the draw. "Because of his building and his awesome attitude, his business became one of the top selling candies shop."

"He is amazing." Senku muttered. It would be a lie if he didn't seem to grew admiration for the owner. Because of that, it motivated him to do more for his dreams and to become better in that field.

"So," Yuzuriha had a notepad on her desk and dragged it in front of her. She took a pen from one of her pen holders and placed it on the pad. "Describe this building."

Senku thought for a moment. He had never fully thought about what he wanted his store to look like. All he ever thought about was making enough chocolate for the people that needed or wanted them. He continued thinking for a while, but had nothing in mind . He turned to his assistant with a small smile.

"What do you think, Y/N?"

The woman eyes widen. "M-Me? What I think?" Senku watched as she slummed in her seat as he nodded his head. "Well... since you're Senku Ishigami, I don't think it'll be impossible to do, but.." Senku and Yuzuriha listened attentively. "What if you design the place as a wonderland? Make it feel a bit homey for those who feel lost or lonely or unsure and.." The woman hesitated to continue. "I don't know."

"Hm.." Ms. Ogawa made her pen danced on the paper as she began writing down her ideas.

"What do you have in mind?"

"Well," The woman placed her last two cents on the paper. "Candy wonderland." She started with a smirk. "You're a candy maker so this store will be filled with candy references."


"Maybe... wait—" The drafter quieted herself as she began writing down her thoughts once more.

"You have something in mind—"

"Got it! Once I'm done with this, I'll give you a call, Mr. Ishigami." She handed him her notepad. "Please write down your number."

Senku did so and handed the notepad back to the woman as she smiled. She stood up from her seat and beckoned the other two to do so as well.

"When I've come up with an idea for your factory, I'll give you a call." She urged the couple out of her door with a crazed smile. "See you then!" And the door was soon slammed shut in their faces.

"Well... She seemed fun." The scientist mumbled.

"She really was." Y/N spoke up, sweat dropping as she gave her boss a smile.

"Now that that's over with, we can finally go home to relax." The young adult let out a sigh. He began walking away from the drafter's door, signaling for his assistant to follow him. "I'm ready to just relax, you know?"

"Oh, well..." Y/N was hesitant to ruin Senku's mood but she also wanted to question him about his earlier promise. "Will you still be able to teach me? With spellings and stuff? I'm still a little slow.." She awkwardly laughed at her last statement, hoping that she hadn't ruined the jolly mood Senku was in.

"Oh right." He muttered as he rubbed a hand on his neck.

"Or not!" The young adult quickly responded. "There's always tomorrow."

"No. Me teaching you is apart of your payment." He told her as he continued his way out the building. "Let's hurry head home before night falls."


"Do you get it?" Senku placed the pencil down on the sheet of paper as he questioned. The assistant could only hesitantly nod her head as she stared at the letter he had drawn on the paper. "Now you try."

Y/N grabbed the pencil and tried her best to copy the letter Senku had wrote for her as reference. "Like this?" She showed him her work and the male nodded his head.

"You did good, but your hand writing sucks. Perhaps we should work on that next."

"D-Don't be so mean!"

"So with that, everyday we'll be learning different words from each letter of the alphabet."

"You're ignoring me."

Senku looked at her as he spoke. "You rather me entertain your childishness than help you?"

Y/N only huffed as she lowered her head in shame. "Sorry.." She mumbled.

Senku only continued to speak. "Today was just a dip in the water. Tomorrow, we'll be more serious." Y/N nodded her head at his statement. "And with that, that ends today's lessons." The woman began putting the paper and her pencil away. "I'll see you tomorrow bright and early." With that, the male left the girl's alone as he went to his room.

"Well, good night to you, too, Mr. Ishigami."


onto chapter 7...

𝗪𝗢𝗡𝗞𝗔 𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒌𝒖 𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒈𝒂𝒎𝒊 HIATUS Where stories live. Discover now