𝗪𝗢𝗡𝗞𝗔 ᴡᴏɴᴋᴀ

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chapter eight

Senku never thought his day would turn out like this, yet he wasn't complaining. He eyed the OL for a response after giving him a flower shaped chocolate to test. Chrome's eyes remained itself on the scientist, not showing any reaction for him to digest.

"Well?" Senku urged, but the OL stayed silent. He huffed before turning his head away. "At least we know one thing hasn't changed." The inventor muttered as he wrote down in his book. "Ready to try another one?"

"I think he's still mad at you." Y/N spoke from the sidelines, eyes glued on her paper as she continue practicing her lettering.

Her boss grinned. "Who would've guess?"

Chrome swallowed the bits of chocolate pieces that was left in his mouth before speaking. "You know, I also wanted to be a chocolate maker."

"Really?" The scientist dragged. He didn't care much, but Chrome continued talking anyway.

"We create chocolate, but I wasn't allowed to do so. They told me it's because I'm different and that I should focus on things other than creating chocolate."

"The Oompa Loompas?" Y/N cocked her eyebrows as she questioned which Chrome nodded to.

"And it's not like they're doing it cause they dislike me or anything. They just think I deserve something more, but—" The OL stared at Senku, eyes filled with determination as he spoke. "I don't care. I want to become a chocolate maker."

Senku stared at the man in front of him before smirking. "You're working for me as a taste tester, might as well be my assistant."

The man's eyes widen in shock, but happiness soon filled it. "Really?"

"As long as those little creatures don't try and attack me," He got up from his seat and closed his book. "Then we're good."

"Okay! So what do I do first?" Chrome personality did a three-sixty change as he was now aware of his position Senku placed him in. "Do I get to make chocolates?"

Senku made his way to his kitchen. "I'll have to see how good you are first." He bend down to open his cupboard beneath his sink and pulled out multiple bottles filled with liquids and many different equipments. He placed them on his counter and motion to it with a grin. "Make a chocolate with these. Just a regular chocolate with no special effects." Chrome stared at the object with certainty in his eyes. He tried his best to not seemed confused by the things on the counter as he wanted to impress Senku with his false knowledge.

"If you're confused on how to make them, I'm sure Mr. Ishigami wouldn't mind helping you." But Y/N saw how tensed he was and she wanted to reassure him, but Chrome only shook his head dismissively.

"I can do this." Although their equipments were different, Chrome use to watch the Oompa Loompas make chocolate for him and themselves and, without any of the creatures making aware of it, he'd take his hand in making some himself. So he had just an idea on what to do.

"I'll give you time." Senku exited out of the kitchen and sat next to Y/N, who by now was looking through the newspaper (for the word builder and any phone number next to it). "Found anything yet?"

"Still looking." She turned the page. "Maybe you should give it a try too. You're better at reading than I am." She handed the bundled pages to her boss and watched as he flipped through the them.

"This newspaper barely has anything other than fashion."

Y/N only shrugged. "Maybe it's telling you something?"

"What exactly?"

"Maybe the white coat isn't doing much for you." Y/N muttered, which Senku cocked his eyebrows to.

"I like the white coat. I am a scientist after all."

Y/N turned her mouth inward as she stared at Senku with an awkward gaze. "I don't want to be rude, Mr. Ishigami, but yeah, you are a scientist, but you're also a chocolate maker. Maybe a bit of color can help with your brand."

Senku stayed silent as he stared down at his white coat. He hummed. "What color do you think will work for me?"

Y/N eyes widen in excitement and she jumped from her seat. She paced herself in front the inventor as she began speaking. "Okay, well, I was thinking red or possibly yellow. You need colors that represents sweet as well as candy and chocolate. Oh! What about pink?"


"Yes! That represents sweet, candy and chocolate!"

Senku stayed quiet as he thought of what Y/N said. "You're right, but pink is not my color."

"Red and yellow? Or perhaps red or yellow."

"Maybe." He stood up from his seat and was now standing in front of Y/N. The height was a tad different as he was a bit taller than her, so Y/N usually had to strain her neck looking up at him."You are my assistant, after all, so maybe you know what's best."

"Of course, Mr. Ishigami."

"Hey, how am I supposed to make chocolate? The equipments aren't the same." Chrome rushed in, sadly interrupting their conversation.

Senku let out a sigh. "I guess I'll show you how it's done." He turned to face Y/N once more. "Continue finding our builders." He began walking away to help Chrome but stopped once more in his spot. "I'll think about getting a different coat."


onto chapter 9...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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𝗪𝗢𝗡𝗞𝗔 𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒌𝒖 𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒈𝒂𝒎𝒊 HIATUS Where stories live. Discover now