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Once upon a time... there was a young couple who loved eachother so dearly, they couldn't survive without eachother...

My dad, he was an avian, his wings reached the sky, shimmered silver in the moonlight and gold under the sun..

My mom, on the other hand... was a nekomimi.. also known as a Shapeshifter...My dad once confused my mom for a stray cat in our home..

My dad was a layman farmer's son whereas my mom... was royalty, who was supposed to follow certain rules to take the next throne... However, they were exiled...
Now you may be wondering my dear friend...

'Why were they casteaways?'

Well as I told you, there were certain rules to be followed for my mom... which included!... Not falling in love with someone other than your own breed... AND... must marry a royal...
However she fell in love with an Avian living in the village of her kingdom called Balin

The king of Balin aka her dad, was furious when he found out she was going out with an Avian at 19 years... However the worst part was... my mom was pregnant.. ✨With a sweet cute chubby half breed daughter✨ aka...
Me <3

A few years after, my mom gave birth to me in a small hospital in the neighboring kingdom named Entia which was an enemy to My kingdom... Im just happy the king allowed us to enter after we told him we were casteaways...

About 12 hours later... At 2:35 am on
September 14th... I was born 9 months after a lovely night for the couple....

The king of that kingdom gave us permission to live in Entia on one condition... That I had to grow up to be Knight of Kingdom Entia or grow up to protect Entia at all costs even death...
And as Entia was the most exotic and valuable kingdom in our land... It was prone to danger⚠️ ...
However this was my decision to make at age of 18 or under...

Lil Me started speaking, I even started taking my first steps.... And I started climbing my first monkey bars!

"Mummah! Hear me that song!!!" I said one night when I was just 3...
"heh... okay sweety.. but just this once... last time.." her mom told her...

"🎶Oh, angels sent from up above..
You know you make, my world light up...
When I was down....when I, was hurt...
You came to lift me up🎶..."

(Song name:- Hymn for the Weekend by Bely Barsarte)

My moms voice was one of a kind... so sweet, so toned, so fresh...


When I was 6 years old, it was time for my wings to appear... It was said that my wings would appear once I was 7...
I woke up one night thirsty..
"Mamma... Mamma!!! Wake up I want water..." My mom slightly opens her eyes and peeped out squinting... Her eyes widen as she looks to both my sides..

"Aki!!!! Hanu, wake up!!" She wakes my dad and I'm left confused..
"Huh.. what happened..?" My dad asks as his eyes land on my new bronze and Teal wings at my side...
"Why are you both lookin at mee?" I ask as I feel heavy on my back... "My back is hurting papa..." "Aki! Your wings...!" My dad exclaimed.. My eyes widen as they travel towards my back...
"Woaahhhh!!!! Mamma pappa!!! I have wingss!!!" We all celebrated my new wings the next day as well as the neighbors...

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