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~1 week later~

I can't forget what had happened in the past week..
I'm everyone's concern now.. All the lythians (citizens of kingdom Lythis) are asking about
'The girl who is half bird' aka me...

I'm too eager to go to Entia... So eager I'm having nightmares every night....
Dreaming of me betraying my parents...
Dreaming of my banishment...
Dreaming of myself, being a homeless wanderer...

Sometimes I wonder... Was it my faith to fall in that pond and be rescued by the prince of this kingdom...Or.. Would I be dead by now if no one came to rescue me...

"Hey.. Whatcha thinking about?"
I realize I had been daydreaming again..
"Oh uhh.. Nothing why...?"
I turn around to see the same guy who rescued me...

"I'm Daiko by the way..." He lifts his hand forward for a handshake...
"And what's your name?"

I pull my hand forward to shake his back.. "I'm Rosa.." I give a small shy smile...

"Rosa! Ahh nice name.." He compliments me..
He really knows how to make someone smile doesn't he...

"Say would you have any interest in archery?"

"Archery? What's that?"
"You don't know what's archery! How could you not know it... It's number one in the world.."
"Alright alright... let's do this.. Archery... Maybe take my mind off a few things..."
"That's nice... Let's go... To the surface..."

"Oh wow that's great... Well if you've forgotten... I'm not a siren..."
"I have just the thing for ya..."

He takes my hand and pulls me towards the exit of my room..
"Better hold your breath for 15 seconds!"

Before I knew it... He pulled me outside the room which was all water...

Only 15 seconds... Then I can breath...

His speed is exceptional in the sea as he rushes to the other end of the palace as I cling to his chest and he holds me tightly in his grip...

I enter another waterproof room..
Finally I can breath again..

"Ahh before you freak out... You should know that we have two palaces...
One underwater... and one above.. Which is where we live mostly.."
"What's so freaky about that..?"

"Also that I'm half vampire..."

"Oh but don't worry I'm more of Siren.."

Before I know it... He takes me in an elevator which goes straight up slicing through the sea and to the surface...

"Here we are..! Turn around Rosa..."
I turn around to see a big grey Castle with three red domes and a big brown doorway...

"Yea.. We vampires don't really have a colorful palace... Although we have made some parts the shade of blue and purple... My mum wanted it so..."
"I.. see..."

He leads me through the front door which surprisingly opens on its own...
He leads me through the entire hall...

Dashes and shades of golden, black and silver on the walls and a big red and gold chandelier hanging from the ceiling..

A while later after I was busy mesmerizing... A strong gush of water came from inside one of the rooms pooling on the ground as I get surrounded by water till my knees...

"JINA!!! What did I tell you! Don't use your powers in the palace!! Now my clothes are wet!!!" Daiko yells as a small girl about 5 years old comes scurrying out of the room splashing the water in her way...

"Dad!!! Brother is scolding me again!!!"
She gives out a fake cry...
"Oh and now you're gonna start crying... You little-"
"Daiko! No swearing at your sister... Aghh Jina you flooded our house again!"
"That's what I'm telling you dad..."

His dad gives Daiko a death stare...
"Ahh Avian girl.. You're here too.. That's nice that's nice! Shall we feast together?"
"My name is Rosa..."
"Oh Rosa.. Lovely name! Reminds me of my dead aunt... Her name was Rose..."
"Oh uh... That's sad.. Sorry though..."
"No worries you didn't do anything.. Now tell me.. Are you hungry avian girl?"

"My name is-"
"Oh I'm sorry my bad... I forgot to introduce myself... My name is Hanyo...
Hanyo Kanzu... King of Lythis.."

It felt like he was flexing his position in the kingdom...
"Uh that's nice... I'm Rosa..." I say with a gentle smile..

"Dad, me and Rosa have some archery to do..."
He takes my hand and pulls me with him to another room upstairs...
It's a bedroom..

"Yea my room isn't all that charming... It's rather-"
"I like it... The color... I like Teal color..
It's the color of my wings.."
I make my wings appear again as he sees the size of them...

"Holy cow! Rosa they'r so huge! How do you manage them? Aren't they heavy?"
"Uh.. I never though of the heaviness.. I guess I'm used to it.."
"Oh uhh... Weird question... But... C..Can I touch them?"
"Y..Yeah sure... Just don't pluck the feathers... It hurts..."

He comes forward and goes behind me as he sees my wound...
"Your wound is healing Rosa... But doesn't it hurt when you make your wings appear?"
"It does... But I can handle that much..."

He starts swaying his hand on my wings.. Feeling the feathers with his fingers... Little does he know my wings are my most sensitive part...

I start feeling ticklish.. Plus sensational..
I just feel like cuddling up in his arms and never letting go.. I thought to myself..

"Aye that tickles..."
"Oh sorry... Are they sensitive?"
"Yea a bit..."
"I see.. Your feathers are very fluffy!"
"Wha- ohh uhh thanks..."

"You okay? Why are you getting red?
Are you having fever?!"
He comes close to me and places his palm on my forehead...

"Well you're not exactly having fever..."
His face millimeters from my face as he stares at my eyes talking to me as if he doesn't know what he's doing...

I blush extensively.... Its too much... So much that I start to get butterflies...
I push him back hard and he hits the wall...
"Ahh I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! It's just... Reflexes...."

"It's okay Rosa... Uhh let's start archery shall we?"

Feathers of steelजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें