
12 1 9

Almost two days later.... I heard the nurse say I'm all better however I need rest.... I took this opportunity to escape Lythis kingdom....


I had no idea what time it was, but figured it was night fall...
I scrambled out of bed.... Quietly opened the door and ran outside....
Dodging all the guards, I found the exit of this hospital..

I peeped inside outside to see if anyone was looking... and slowly started taking steps out the exit...

It was all dark so I was certain no one saw me...

Somehow I wasn't yet in the ocean.... I could breath.. I scanned the place and saw water above me in place of the sky...
My brain clicked a crazy plan...

This was the time I was gonna use my wings after that tragic arrow shot me...
I successfully opened them and started flapping them slowly to avoid more bleeding and less hurt from my back...
After I warmed up, I got ready to fly at high speed into the water above me and swim to the surface....

"Hey you!!" Said a voice from behind me... Running at me with a spear in the hands, was a man hardly in his 40s..
He sounded the alarm 🚨 and stood smirking at me.... I took this one chance to gather my courage....

I took off the ground and groaned in pain, but I knew this would be my only chance to escape.... I started gaining altitude.. Faster and faster... The pain started increasing more and more after every flap I took...

4 meters...
3 meters..

I took a deep breath and soared right into the water... I closed my wings and held them tight so they don't get separated from my body...... I started swimming to the surface....
I couldn't hold my breath for long... It was still a long way to go and I was definitely certain I wouldn't make it...

A few seconds before I was gonna die, a strong current pushed me up which tore a part of my bandage making me squeal in pain as my body felt squished and 5 seconds later I reached.....

I felt good for the few seconds I was soaring through the air molecules feeling the cool breeze against my wet skin...

My wings were still wet so I couldn't fly cuz of the weight of the water on my wings and screamed in pain as I started falling to the water again...

10 meters..
9 meters...
2... and....


I fell face down on the ocean surface and stayed still as if I was dead...

Blood came drip on drip out of my back and filled the water around me, making the water crimson red...

Sirens and sea people crowded around me...
"Out of my way!" Said one of the cops...
He came storming towards me as I lay on the ocean surface fainted... He had a taser in his hand and handcuffs...
"Stop!" Said a female voice... "She's just scared... Let her stay in my home..."
"But your majesty..."
"Nah uh... No buts... If she wants to stay alive she has to bear with us for at least 1 month... Until then, she's one of our own.."

The woman put a weird looking flower connected to my mouth and nose which supplied me with oxygen... The crowd scattered and she took me to a place which looked more like a palace...
Guards opened the door for her as she took me in her house...

I felt as if I was being taken upstairs... Just... not on stairs, but swimming up....
It felt as if I was being carried by my mom... The way she used to carry me when I was sick or feeling unwell...

She opened a door and all of the water suddenly fell down or something..
As if I just came to the surface.... I wasn't in water anymore...More like a waterproof room in a palace in the middle of the ocean just like that hospital I was in.....
She laid me down on a soft bed made of cotton, softer than the one in the hospital, and turned on something which made soothing sounds of raindrops falling on water...

I felt a cool breeze falling softly like a feather on my skin making me smile in my faintness...
I heard the door opening and a woman sitting right beside my bed... She injected the skin of my wings with something which made my shoulders, back and muscles of my wings numb...

I still felt a prickly sensation on my cut after she took my bandage off.... I was certain this siren injected me with Paralysis Serum and was poking holes in my skin like a psychopath...

   ~Author's note~
Hey guyzz! I hope y'all loved my story till now...
If y'all wanna gimme tips or anything else your brains imagine of and wanna add in this story dm me❤️
The next part to this story may be published in 2 weeks..

Till then see ya!!


Feathers of steelOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz