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"Yea so you just keep your right arm folded... Stretch the string but not too much..."
"Okay.. I think I got it..."
I take my shot and aim for the center of the trunk of a big oak tree...
"And... Shoot!"
I release my fingers off the arrow....

"Awh come on..! Why can't I aim it..."
"All you need is practice Rosa... Are you liking it?"
"Yea I am.. But the aim..."
"That's no worries... You'll get it in no time... Come on take another arrow..."

I take another one from my back and fix it in the bow...
"Okay now stretch... Slowly..."
He holds the bow from behind me... Guiding me...
I try not to notice the zero personal bubble between us...

His fingers are on my fingers... His face at the side of my right shoulder...
I feel his whole body fixed behind me as he stretches the bow with me....
"Okay now aim for the center..."
"Good... Now steady... Not too fast..."
He lets his fingers go at the same time as me as the arrow goes flying toward the center of the big tree and hits the center...

"Hey! I got it! I got it!" I scream still in his arms...
"Hey isn't that the first time I've seen you smile!"
I turn my head slightly back to see him still behind me.. I smile at him as he sits on the grass with me...
"I think you're just a good teacher Mr. Daiko." I tease him as he fakes a sad expression...

"Hey I know a better spot to chill..!
Come on!"
My takes my hand and pulls me with him as we run across the meadows and hills.

About 7 mins later we reach to a hill top with a wonderful view with a small swing hung from a tree...
"Hey we reached at the correct time... Look!"
He points to the horizon and I see the sun setting and the sky slowly becoming orange and pinky...

We lie down on our backs side by side as we watch the sky go dark for the next 10 mins...
"It's beautiful!" I exclaim as I see faint stars in the night sky..
"Yes it is beautiful..." He says looking at me..

"Okay get up now... Tell me.. Do you know what happens when the moon shines in the waters..?"
"Uh no.."

There's a big sea on one side of the mountain and a village on the other...
The village lights up just as we sit up on the grass...
"Oh it's a market.."
"Not just any market Rosa... It's called the Night market... It's a fun and dangerous place to roam around in..."

I shift my eyes towards the waters as I see a creature with a fish tail and a human body arise from the water and sit on a rock... Another one comes up...

"Ah let's not look there.. Few sirens come there at this time to go on date nights..."
"Oh... Wow... Your kingdom is beautiful!You're very lucky..."
"How come? You should see my sister Rosa... She's a-"

"No I'm not talking about that... You got no problems and a good kingdom..
Your parents are also of different breeds... Did they have trouble marrying?"

"Why would they have trouble?"
"Cause they're part breeds..."
"You know that doesn't really matter right..."
"It doesn't matter? It mattered a lot for my parents..." I say looking down.. "They died because they married each other..."

"Ohh.. That's harsh.. That's why u wanna go back?"
"Yea... I wanna find out what happened to my mom..."
"She's not dead? Oh... Sorry.. I mean.. What happened to her?"

"The king of the opponent kingdom kidnapped her... My... My grandfather..."
"Your grandfather?! Why would he kidnap his own daughter?"
"He's crazy..."

"Hey u wanna lighten the mood?"
I look up at him as he stands up and pulls my hand once again leading me somewhere...
I hear traditional music in the distance..
"Hey where are we going?"

"My dads probably gonna kill me for being too late... But this is a chance to show you my kingdom..."
I had no idea what he's talking about...
"Hey slow down!"

He stops with a jerk as I bump into his back.. "Ow... Why'd you stop..?"
"Welcome to the night market!"
I gasp as it's wonderfully litted with lanterns and candles...

"So where'd u wanna go first?"
"Daiko I've never been here..."
"Oh right... Come with me and try not to get lost!"
I run behind him as he speeds into the crowd of sirens and few other breeds..
Everyone exclaiming and gossiping...

A few seconds later we reach a big park.. "What's that?" I ask pointing towards a big wheel..
"That's a Ferris wheel!"
"And that?"
"That's a roller coaster..."

I hear people yelling as the cart on the tracks take huge turns, as it goes up and down and in all directions... It even takes a loop...

"You wanna join em?" He asks as he notices me staring at the coaster...
"Isn't it dangerous?"
"That's the fun Rosa..! Come on!"


"Buckle up guys! It's gonna be bumpy!"
A man in red tells us as he puts on our seatbelts and a safety handle by our side...
"Hey Rosa.. You know the last time I went on this ride.. I vomited..."
I look at him in fright as he smiles wickedly.... "If ur scared just hold my hand..."

The cart starts with a jerk...
"H..hey we're supposed to be going in front right... W..why are we going backwards!"
"Just enjoy the ride Rosa.. And scream when it's scary!!"

I feel the cart going steeply upwards and coming to a halt when we r like 100 feet in the sky...
My eyes widen as I look down to the ground...
"Daiko I wanna get off!! Daiko!!"
"Can't turn back now Rosa!"

I feel the brakes on the cart going away... Everyone starts screaming and raising their arms...
I scream Daiko's name as we descend down.. I hear him screaming beside me as the cart descends our height of 100ft from the sky..

"Ahhhhh!!!! DAIKO STOP THE RIDE!!!


"It's okay Daiko... Yup get it all out... I'm right here..." I say patting his back as he vomits in a trash at one corner...
"Ugh.. I'm sorry..."
"It's all deja vu Daiko... It happened before didn't it..."

"Okay.. I'm done now..." He stands up right... "So uh... You liked the ride..?
"More like hated it.."
"Wow.. I'm surprised you didn't vomit..."
"And you did..."
"That was.. embarrassed..." He says cleaning his mouth...

"So what's next..!"
"Already?? Girl give me a while, I just recovered..."
"Oh right uhh... sorry.. We will wait.."


"Hey it's almost dark... Aren't ur parents worried?"
"Yea they might be... We should go back now..."

~Author's note~

Hey guys! Sorry for the big break!
I hope you liked my story till now!


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