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‎ ‎ ‎ The sun bled across the sky as the first light of day began to spill onto the cobblestone streets of the quaint, medieval town of Collingwood. A small, unassuming town that seemed to have been plucked straight from the pages of a history book, Collinwood was nestled between hills that had witnessed countless sunsets and sunrises. It was a town that held its secrets close to its heart, much like the people who lived there. One such person was a young woman named Isabella Chamberlain, whose fiery red hair cascaded down her back, a stark contrast to the muted colors that surrounded her. She walked briskly through the town, her mind lost in her own thoughts as the crisp morning air kissed her cheeks. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Isabella's eyes were a captivating shade of green, reminiscent of the dense forests that lay beyond the town's borders, and today they held a determination that few would dare to challenge. Her journey led her to the town square, where an old stone fountain stood as the centerpiece, surrounded by benches and a bustling marketplace. It was here that her eyes met his, and the air around her seemed to still. Her heart skipped a beat, and she couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and trepidation as she locked eyes with the man who was not only her sworn enemy but also the most beautiful creature she had ever laid eyes on. His name was Thomas Blackwood, and his presence was as palpable as the cool air that wrapped around her. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Thomas Blackwood, the heir to the Blackwood estate, was a man known for his cold, calculating nature. His dark, brooding gaze seemed to see right through people, making many step back from his intense glare. Yet for Isabella, his eyes were a challenge, a dare that she was more than willing to accept. Her eyes, however, were just as piercing, and she often felt as though she could see into his very soul. The animosity between them was well-known, but the mutual respect they had for each other's strength was what kept their rivalry alive. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ As Isabella approached the fountain, she couldn't help but think about the events that had led to this moment. It was their fathers who first clashed, two powerful men whose ambitions had created a rift between their families. Now, years later, that rift had become a canyon too wide to bridge, with Isabella and Thomas standing on opposite sides. Their encounters were rare and often fiery, as each sought to outdo the other in every aspect of their lives. But there was a spark between them that neither could understand or deny, a spark that flickered with every encounter, hinting at a possibility that they could be more than just enemies.

Enemies To Lovers By Lucian Bergeron Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ