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The time they had spent together in secret had allowed Isabella and Thomas to grow closer than ever before. They had shared moments that no one else knew about, moments that had deepened their bond and their love for each other. Yet, as they stood at the crossroads, they knew that they could not continue this way. They had to make a choice, a choice that could define the rest of their lives.
   Isabella felt the pull of her heart, a pull that told her that her love for Thomas was worth the risk, worth the potential consequences. Yet, she also knew that the love they shared could not be kept a secret forever. She had to decide if the risk of being caught was one she was willing to take, if the love she felt was worth the potential heartache and loss.
   Thomas, too, was faced with the same decision. He loved Isabella with a passion that he had never felt before, a passion that was so strong it seemed to defy the very air around them. Yet, he knew that their love could not be hidden forever, that at some point, it would come to light. He had to decide if the love he felt was worth the chance of losing everything, if the risk was one he was willing to take.
   As the days turned into weeks, Isabella and Thomas found themselves increasingly at odds with the decisions they faced. The love they shared was a beacon that guided them, but it was also a prison that confined them. They knew that the time had come to choose, to decide whether their love was worth the risk of discovery.

Enemies To Lovers By Lucian Bergeron Where stories live. Discover now