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Isabella and Thomas found themselves walking a tightrope, each step a potential misstep that could lead to disaster. They knew that their time together was limited, that they had to make a decision about their future. The pull to be together was strong, but so was the fear of the consequences. They had built their lives around the rivalry that had defined them, and to give that up was a sacrifice that neither could make lightly.
   As the weeks went by, Isabella began to realize that she could not continue this way, that she needed to make a choice. She knew that the time might come when they would be discovered, and when that happened, she feared that it would be too late to turn back. She had to decide if the love she felt for Thomas was worth the risk, worth the sacrifice of everything she had fought for.
   Thomas, too, was facing the same decision. He knew that their love was a wildcard, a variable that could change the game forever. Yet, the thought of living a life without Isabella was a torment that he could not bear. He had to decide if the love he felt was worth the danger it brought, worth the potential of losing everything he had fought for.
   Their secret love affair became a beacon for many in Collinwood, a symbol of forbidden passion and the power of love. Some saw it as a testament to the enduring nature of love, while others saw it as a warning, a cautionary tale of what could happen when passions ran wild.

Enemies To Lovers By Lucian Bergeron Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz