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Isabella and Thomas's relationship had become a dance, a dance that was both beautiful and dangerous. Their secret love was a secret that could be shared only in the quiet of the night, a secret that had to be protected at all costs. They knew that the risk was great, but the love they shared was greater. They were at the precipice, the edge of a cliff from which they could either leap into the unknown or step back into the life they had known.
   The thought of being caught was a fear that never left them, a fear that gnawed at their souls. They knew that if they were discovered, it could mean the end of everything they had worked for, the end of their families' rivalry. Yet, the thought of a life without each other was a torment that neither could bear. They were trapped in a cage of their own making, a cage that was closing in on them with each passing day.
   As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, Isabella and Thomas's feelings for each other continued to grow. They knew that they could not hide forever, that one day, they would have to face the consequences of their love. Yet, the pull of their feelings was too strong to ignore, a pull that seemed to grow with each passing day.
   They knew that time was running out, that they had to make a decision. They had to decide if the love they shared was worth the risk, if the joy they found in each other's arms was worth the danger that it brought. Their love was a wildfire, a fire that could either consume them or set them free.

Enemies To Lovers By Lucian Bergeron Where stories live. Discover now