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Years passed, and Isabella and Thomas's secret love continued to shape their lives, a love that had grown stronger with each passing day. They knew that they could not continue to hide their feelings forever, that eventually, they would have to face the consequences of their actions. They had to choose whether their love was worth the potential fallout, whether the happiness they found in each other was worth the danger it brought.

Their love had become a sanctuary, a place where they could be free from the world that sought to tear them apart. They knew that their relationship was a beacon of hope in a world that was often cruel and unforgiving, a world that would not look kindly upon their love. They had to decide if the love they shared was worth the risk, if the happiness they found in each other's arms was worth the danger it brought.

The fear of being caught never left them, a fear that clung to their hearts like a shadow. They knew that one day, their secret would be discovered, and when it was, the consequences would be dire. Yet, the love they shared was a force that neither could deny, a force that seemed to grow stronger with each passing day. They had to decide if the love they shared was worth the risk, if the happiness they found in each other was worth the danger it brought.

Isabella and Thomas's love had become a story, a story that had been whispered in the shadows of Collinwood. They knew that their secret was a source of gossip and speculation, a story that had grown with the years. They had to choose whether the love they shared was worth the risk, whether the happiness they found in each other was worth the danger it brought.

Enemies To Lovers By Lucian Bergeron Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant