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The tension between Isabella and Thomas grew with each passing day, a tension that was both palpable and electric. Their meetings became fewer, as the reality of their situation began to dawn on them. They knew that they could not continue as they had been, that their love could not remain a secret forever. The thought of being found out was both terrifying and exhilarating, a thrill that both thrilled and terrified them.
   Isabella found herself questioning her every move, her every glance towards Thomas. She knew that she could not let her guard down, that to do so would mean to risk everything. Yet, the more she tried to stay strong, the more she found herself giving in to her feelings, to the pull that Thomas had on her. It was a battle that was waged within her heart and soul, a battle that threatened to consume her.
   Thomas, too, was consumed by thoughts of Isabella. He knew that their secret could not last, that eventually, they would be discovered. Yet, the thought of losing her was unbearable, a thought that kept him awake at night and haunted his every waking moment. He was torn between his love for her and the fear of what it could mean for both of them.
   Their secret love became a topic of debate among the townsfolk, with opinions split between those who saw it as a beautiful romance and those who viewed it as a dangerous game. The whispers grew louder, the gossip more fervent, as the people of Collinwood speculated on the nature of their relationship.

Enemies To Lovers By Lucian Bergeron Where stories live. Discover now