Chapter 3: Alvin: The Action

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"Theodore, come on! I know you really wanted to see this movie, all you need to do is ask Eleanor! It isn't that hard! Once you leave the cupcake store just casually mention that I was supposed to go to the movie with you, and you have two tickets that are going to be wasted!"

"But Alvin, what if she doesn't want to go!"

"Of course she will want to go! Just give her puppy dog eyes and she can't say no. But I don't want you chickening out, Theodore, or I will never take you to get cupcakes again!"

"Well... okay Alvin, but—"

"No 'buts' Theo! I have to go help Simon with something."

By help Simon, I meant break into his lab and cause all of his machines to malfunction, but first I had to get into my fatigues with a secret agent uniform on top so at first I could negotiate with the body snatcher, but if it didn't cooperate, I had to be ready for all out war. Fatigues is another word for a military uniform, it just sounds way cooler that way, and Lorenzo Lorenzo is always super cool. It was also essential to take my can of pepper spray in order to force the body snatcher to leave, according to the website. With all of this stuff handy, all I had to do was wait a few minutes, cause some chaos, and head over to the Chipettes' treehouse. Then I saw something not according to plan. The Chippetes were early! Eleanor and Jeanette were already flying down the zipline before 6:15!

"You guys are early!"

"You say that like it's a problem Alvin. And why are you wearing some sort of... you know what, I don't even want to know."

"You better not be hating on my super awesome spy suit! And no, there is no problem, but Theodore has been ready to go all day. I'm sure he would love to go right now if you want to meet him downstairs."

"Okay, see you guys later! Let me know if you need anything!"

"Now, Jeanette, we have a slight problem. We lost Simon."

"What! He ran away!"

"No, he is hiding in his lab in the basement and will not come out. I just know he will come out if you talk him into it though. You are always so good at calming him down. Anyway I have to go, but I believe in you Jeanette!"

"Alvin! Wait! And, now he's left the house and won't be back... Great. Now I'm talking to myself..."

I was actually not gone, just pretending to be. It always made me feel cool to do awesome stunts like jumping out the window and doing a double flip! I even landed it! Then I just quickly climbed back into my bedroom window after Jeanette had left the room. I tried to remember the code to the upstairs lab, because I knew that messing with the stuff in there was the best way to start some chaos. The number popped into my mind. "11222914" It was time to start some chaos!

I pressed a random button and something completely blew up. I really hoped whatever I broke wasn't important, otherwise Simon would kill me when he found out it was me. I also hoped it wouldn't be too easy to fix, otherwise I would be receiving an unexpected visitor while I was taking care of the body snatcher. Hopefully Jeanette wouldn't be able to fix it much faster than Simon. Moving onto the next part of my plan, I flew across the zipline in my super awesome spy suit, thinking to myself how awesome I was. The first step when I landed was to be diplomatic and look tough. While I was still flying down the zipline, almost at the end, she stepped out to welcome me in.

"Come on in Alvin! I made dinner! It's escargot."

She took my attention away at just the wrong time so I messed up my landing. I couldn't let her get into my head. Lorenzo Lorenzo never let anyone get in his head.

"Hold it right there, body snatcher! We need to talk."

"Oh, straight to the chase, huh?"

"I know what you've done to Brittany, and I want you to return her to me right now!"

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