Chapter 9: Eleanor: Baking Cookies

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"Girls! Can you come out here for a second?"

"Sure Dave!"

I popped my head outside, hoping Brittany was going to stay with Dave for a few days, or as far away from us as possible.

"Brittany, could you head inside please, I just need to talk with your sisters for a minute."

I couldn't believe it. She didn't seem sick at all.

"Alright, Jeanette, Eleanor, I'm not completely sure what is going on, but somehow I don't think Brittany is sick anymore. The doctor just touched her, and then she started acting completely cured. It was a miracle! She wasn't sick to her stomach, she quit sneezing and coughing, and she got her appetite back! I guess since she is feeling better I can let her go home with you guys, but if she seems like she's getting sick again let me know, okay?"

I looked straight at Jeanette, and my throat immediately went dry. I could see the fear in her eyes, and I hoped I was showing her the same distress signal. We needed to be careful. Dave had probably been taken over as well! I couldn't deny it, up until she was "miraculously cured", I was skeptical of the whole thing, but then I knew for a fact that Brittany wasn't just sick.

"Dave... are you okay?"

Jeanette was obviously just trying to make small talk to look for signs that he had been taken over, but I could tell she was freaked out.

"Huh? Of course I'm okay, girls... what's going on?"

I didn't know what to say, I just stood there with my mouth shut. There were a few moments of awkward silence, but then Jeanette took the reins.

"Oh... nothing Dave. We'll let you know if we need something."

"If this is about me kicking you out of the hospital I'm sorry girls. I overreacted, and should have just had a talk with Alvin. I still can't believe he thought she was an alien!"

I knew exactly what to say there! I could get Dave to leave if I just made him think that was the issue, and that we had forgiven him for it.

"Thanks for apologizing Dave, we were sad and just wanted to be with our sister. I feel a lot better now. Bye Dave!"

Normally I would have hugged Dave after that, but Jeanette and I bolted inside instead.

"Wait, girls—"

Jeanette slammed the front door and locked it. Dave was a danger to us, whether we wanted to admit it or not. We had to make sure everyone was protected from Brittany, otherwise the whole world could be taken over. She had already gotten to Dave, but we had to leave that under Alvin's control. We stood there for a second behind the locked door taking everything in. Jeanette broke the silence first. She always came up with good plans.

"Eleanor, we can't let Brittany out of our sight. We'll have to take turns watching her, while the other one of us is making sure everything else doesn't get out of hand as well as figuring out how to fix all of this."

"We only have to do this until monday, which is the day that Alvin said we would catch Brittany."

"That's right! We just have to keep her occupied tomorrow and the rest of tonight."

"How about I bake cookies with her. That could take a few hours if I really drag it out. You've got to text the boys to let them know about Dave. Also... please stay close by. I don't want to be alone here."

As much as I hated to admit it, I was in danger without Jeanette near. I had no idea what kind of power the alien could have. I wasn't safe around Brittany.

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