Chapter 8: Alvin: Back-Up Plan

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"Dave! You can't make us go! You will be in danger without us! She could take over the world!"

"Alvin, I think I've heard enough, now go home. I'm not going to tell you again, Brittany has not been taken over by an alien, and I'm absolutely not going to let the doctor perform unnecessary surgery on her! You have taken this way too far!"

"But Dave!"

"No 'buts'! Now go home!"

Dave was showing the exact reason I never told him the truth. Whenever I did, he always told me I was being ridiculous and punished me. Well, to be honest, I wasn't telling the truth because she wasn't really an alien, but if that was the truth he wouldn't have believed it. He always told us it was better to tell the truth, but then he always punished us afterwards! It was so unfair!

"Fine, Dave. Girls... say your final goodbyes. We may never get the chance to see the real Dave again..."

Both of the girls were sobbing. I almost felt bad for them, but I was so mad at Dave that anger took up 90% of my emotional space. It didn't affect my plan at all because I wasn't actually planning on convincing the doctors to have surgery on her, but I still couldn't believe he never listened to me!

"I love you Dave... please stay safe..."

"I'll see you later. I'm sorry for snapping at you, you told me what you thought was going on, and I can't punish you guys for that... but you do need to go home now. I'm not going to let you attack Brittany."

I didn't quite understand how he could say both of those things in the same sentence. He literally told us that he wouldn't punish us, but then he did! Through my anger, I just had to play it off like I really thought I would never see Dave again. Acting one way when you feel completely different is pretty difficult.

"Goodbye Dave. I hate to leave you behind, but because I know that you are not going to cooperate I—"

"Alvin, go."

"I'm just saying—"


"Goodbye Dave..."

I forced myself to fake cry as we began our walk home in order to appear worried, but I could tell, the girls were really scared. As my anger slowly melted away, I realized how bad I felt for them. They really thought that Brittany was taken over and that Dave was in danger of the same thing. I was kind of even beginning to scare myself. I began to wonder if all of the struggle would even be worth it in the end. What if it doesn't even work?

"Alvin, what do we do now?"

"Well, considering that the police won't take my calls, and the national guard probably won't come to my rescue again since they were her last week, we have to try the next best thing."


"We have to get Simon on our side."

In reality, I knew he would never join our team, but I did know that I could get him to set up cameras. Only a few seconds after being thrown out of the hospital, I already had a new, in depth plan flushed out, but it involved having video footage of what happened in both my house and the Chipettes' treehouse. Sometimes plans just popped into my head out of nowhere, but I didn't really know how to explain it. I definitely wasn't book smart, but I was pretty good at coming up with awesome plans. In short, my plan involved having a negotiation with Brittany and forcing her to return to her planet. In order for it to work, I had to be sure that nobody else was going to be there the night when it happened, otherwise they might interfere. The video footage would prove that she is no longer an alien, and I needed it because nobody would believe me without it.

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