Chapter 7: Jeanette: Doctor's Visit

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"Good morning sleepyhead!"

"Ellie... I had the weirdest dream last night..."

"Yeah, we could tell... you were talking in your sleep a bunch. How are you feeling?"

"I feel kinda foggy. I feel kinda like I'm still living my dream. It's kinda weird to explain, but I was completely out of control of my body. It was as if someone took over my movements, but my mind was still in contact. And at the end of the dream, I had taken over the world, and it became a dark, gloomy, and horrible place where nobody was in control of their actions. Everyone changed. It was super horrible, and it felt super real—"

"Ellie! We have to get Britt to the hospital right now!"

Adrenaline immediately began pumping through my systems at the speed of light. She was talking all night long about taking over the world and capturing Alvin and now this! She doesn't feel like she's in control of her body? This was too much to be a coincidence.

"I'm not done telling you my dream though."

She was talking to me but I wasn't listening. I had to do something quick. We had to get her to the doctor.

"Hurry! We have to go get Dave to take us before your condition becomes worse Britt."

"Yeah, you're probably right. I'm starting to feel pretty sick again..."

"Okay, let's go Britt. Ellie! Come on!"

My heart was pretty much beating out of my chest by the time Eleanor got into the room. We immediately left the treehouse and headed over to get Dave. For once, Simon was wrong. Brittany was not just sick. We honestly needed to get her to the hospital for our safety too, not only for her benefit. Hoping Dave would be able to take us, I knocked on the door.

"Girls? What's going on? Do you need something?"

"Dave! Brittany is very sick and we need to get her to the hospital! Can you take us?"

Dave looked super concerned and bent down to check on Brittany.

"Britt, are you okay?"

"No Dave! She's not okay! What makes you think she looks okay?"

"Oh, sorry Eleanor, you're right. I'll get my keys!"

Eleanor may have been a little harsh, but at least she got the point across. As Dave went to grab his keys Brittany started acting funny again. She would not stop staring at Dave.

"Uh... Britt?"

"Woah... he would be a perfect host."

My heart rate increased again as I realized she was after Dave. It seemed like something that could only happen in a fantasy book or horror movie, but there was no doubt about it anymore; it was real.

"Yeah... he does have a pretty strong body... I guess..."

I decided just to play along so she didn't realize I was onto her before I could save her. No matter how dangerous and scary it got, I knew I would not give up and lose my sister. I had to stay in it for her and face my fears. I decided I needed to involve Alvin which was something I rarely ever thought was a good idea.

"Hey Alvin!"

I never thought I would need to ask for Alvin's help for something so important, but I needed him at the hospital to make sure we didn't mess something serious up. For once he knew more about something important than I did.

"What do you need Jea—Whoa! Britt, did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed today? Sheesh. Did you see the message that Simon sent you, Jeanette?

I checked my phone quickly. I didn't have any messages from Simon, but I had one from Alvin saying, "Aliens?" I couldn't believe it. He was already on the same page! Maybe he was smarter than I gave him credit for. I gave him a quick nod.

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