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Nightmare frowned as he entered the AU his castle was in. He hadn't counted on it to rain, let alone storm as it was now. This was one heck of a day to introduce a new member to the gang, now wasn't it?

He trudged through the mud underfoot, still holding onto Killer's hand as if expecting the new peon to run off somewhere the second he was let go. There was no way he would, really, but Nightmare still held on tight. Killer jumped as lightning flashed in the blank void above, followed about ten seconds later by a deafening crash of thunder. It was amusing to Nightmare to see the man so scared of a storm. He was liking the negativity his new servant gave off almost constantly. What a reliable worker.

Teleporting straight inside of the castle was a no-go this time. Sure, Nightmare very well could, as it was HIS castle, but he wanted to walk through the woods to show Killer the area outside the base. It would be helpful for him, and it gave the two a chance to talk. Well... The talking certainly wasn't happening, as Killer refused to open his mouth unless it was necessary. As little as he cared to acknowledge it... Nightmare felt sorry for him.

Finally, the trees thinned and the path winded down a steep hill and up another, on which a macabre castle was settled. On either side were elegant gates leading into the castle's gardens. Nightmare was fond of these gardens, as they were a very calming place to be. All the flowers and other plants, as well as the little ponds and rocks to sit on...

Nightmare stopped before the grand door of his castle and opened it without knocking or ringing the doorbell. After all, who did such a thing when coming to his own house? Only a fool, which Nightmare, the king of all negativity, was most certainly not.

The grim interior had a mysterious blue tint to it, probably because of the sconces on the walls. Above was a crystal chandelier, which Killer stared up at blankly until Nightmare nudged him onward through the castle. They continued through hallways and then up a flight of stairs, then through more hallways.

Eventually, Nightmare stopped and gestured to a door. Killer stared from it, to his boss, then back to the door.

"Your bedroom."

Killer blinked stupidly, causing Nightmare to let out an irritated groan. 

"Oh, I'm staying here?"

Nightmare sighed. "Yes, Killer, you are. Now leave me alone, okay? Take time to settle in. Maybe rest or something, I don't give a fuck."

He stalked away, turning back to see Killer still standing in place beside his door. His hand was hovering over the handle. Nightmare rolled his eye and continued to his own room. Once he was behind the safety of his office door, he say in his chair and growled as thoughts flooded into his head.

New member. Killer. Seemed pretty eager to see him. Took away Killer's emotions, or at least, dulled them a significant amount. Seems less eager to around right now. Less eager to be around Nightmare...

That thought alone infuriate the dark king. The thought that Killer didn't want to be around him... It made him upset. Throwing Killer right into the mess that was the life of a Bad Sans, punishing him if he messed up on even the smallest thing... Yes. That was a good idea.

Nightmare was totally overreacting and forcing himself to dislike his new pawn. But it took his mind off any positive thoughts he had originally had about the guy. Shaking his head and snarling again, he turned to the plans on his desk and began to go over and edit them.

A wicked smile found itself on the king's face once again. He realized Killer had no idea what he was doing. The new servant would go out and kill and destroy, as Nightmare would obviously explain to him, and not expect to be attacked by any enemies. But the Star Sanses would come. They would make Killer's life difficult and the thought made Nightmare chuckle deviously.

I Lost My Chance...Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum