5:||Desperate for Help

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If Nightmare wasn't worried when he heard Dust scream in the first place, he was surely worried as he watched the hooded man scream over Killer's dying form. The tar eyed killer lie on the floor, his hand gushing out blood.

A hand wound. It was just a hand wound. He wouldn't die from a pathetic hand wound, would he? That thought alone calmed Nightmare. But when Dust showed him the knife Killer had accidentally stabbed himself with, worry flooded back into the king. This knife was too rusty not to leave serious infection. And if something wasn't done straightaway, Killer was going to die.

Without even thinking straight, Nightmare rushed to Killer's side, picked him up in his arms, and teleported at once to where Sci, the multivere's best doctor, would be. He didn't care about the panicked looks his gang gave him as he vanished, all he cared about was getting Killer help as soon as possible.

Sci was alarmed, to say the least, when Nightmare rushed into his place and screamed desperately for him to help Killer. It was so strange. Sci thought Nightmare hated Killer. It had seemed that way the last time the two of them were here, when Nightmare insisted on Sci checking the lackey's vitals.

"PLEASE!" Nightmare choked out. "PLEASE!"

Sci gently took Killer from the negative king's arms and set him down on a bed. He held his hand out, summoning an orb of light that he shone all around Killer. It turned a rusty orange, and Sci's eyes widened.

(This is mostly inspired by Elwin's talent from Keeper of the Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger. It's a great series, pretty long though.)

"He has serious infections all throughout his body, Nightmare," Sci reported shakily. "I'll do what I can, but I'm afraid this isn't in my hands..."

Nightmare wanted to punch a wall at that moment. He was filled with regret as he watched Sci try to heal Killer's hand and stop the infections. If only he had been nicer to the guy, this wouldn't have happened, he was sure of it. Killer wouldn't have hurt himself this way.

But. Dust said it had been an accident, hadn't he? That Killer hadn't done this on purpose? Yes... Nightmare forgot. He was momentarily blinded by hatred again and forgot all reasoning. This was not his fault, but that didn't stop him from feeling guilty and regretful. He still should've been nicer to Killer. Who treated the person they loved more than anything like shit?

Sci sighed, turning to Nightmare once again. "I'm sorry, I can't do this anymore. I've done all I could. You can stay here with him and see what happens, but I will be leaving now. I'm so sorry... I suppose he meant a lot to you, huh?"

Nightmare found himself opening up to the scientist/doctor, which surprised him. "Yes... He meant quite a lot. I've been an idiot, Sci, and if he dies, I don't know what I'll do with myself. Knowing all throughout his life, as long as he's known me, that I treated him horribly and acted as though I didn't care..."

His voice became more and more choked up, and Sci fought with himself to do something to comfort the poor negative king.



Sci... Was not expecting that. He sighed again, turning for the door. "I'm sorry. I'll go now."

Nightmare glared with tears swelling in his eye socket. The goop thickly covering the one side of his face cleared to reveal part of a white skull and a purple eye. He looked so lost and grieved as he moved to Killer's bedside.

"Please. Don't die... I need you."

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