3:||How do I Feel?

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Killer was awoken by his boss yelling at him to get his lazy ass out of bed and down the stairs, because the gang ate all their meals together. He looked like a poor nervous wreck as he sped down the stairs, but at least he showed up. Still, Nightmare found fault with him and bit him across the face with a cold, slimy tentacle. It sent a chill down Killer's spine. Nightmare was no longer the sort of kind man he was the day before. He was suddenly bitter, and even more so towards Killer. Perhaps this was normal.

He was not a fan of the stares the other members were giving him. Perhaps the worst was from the one called Error, who stared at Killer as if he was a rotting carcass of an animal. The least uncomfortable was from someone called Horror, who looked simply curious. He didn't seem displeased to see Killer, and that's all the new member could have asked for. Meanwhile, Dust looked skeptical of him, and Cross wasn't looking at all, clearly uninterested, which sort of offended him.

Nightmare stood up after the gang was finished eating, gesturing with one of his tentacles for them to follow into another room: the throne room of the castle, where all the meetings happened, apparently. At least, that's what Horror told Killer. And rather quietly, clearly anxious Nightmare didn't want the two to be talking.

"Dust, Horror, you two go out to some minor place and cause mayhem per usual," said Nightmare coldly. "Cross, you go alone. Error, you go with Killer, since he's new and everything. That's it."

Nightmare stood up and went away, yelling at himself mentally for putting Killer in a group with somebody. So much for giving the new guy a hard time. He just couldn't bring himself to do that. There was something about the confused look on Killer's face when he announced it that hurt his cold heart.

The negative king locked himself in his room and laid down, grumbling. He didn't go into his office, sit down, and do paperwork. There was no way he would be able to focus on that. For one thing, he was really tired; yet another haunting dream about his brother filled his sleep the previous night. He needed something to take his mind off the stupid new peon.

Nightmare stood up and teleported outside his favorite coffee shop, hoping being there would calm him down. Here, he had a friend: Ccino. The interior of the shop was warm and definitely soothing. It sort of made Nightmare a bit more tired.

He sat down at the counter as usual, where he would order a coffee and sometimes get to talk to his friend who worked here. Today, Ccino was working, and noticed Nightmare right away.

"Hi, Nightmare, nice to see you," Ccino said gently. "Is something bothering you? You don't look well."

"Eh, we got a new member and I don't know how to feel about it," Nightmare grumbled, watching as Ccino prepared the usual coffee he ordered: black. Straight p black coffee. Pretty bitter, just like him.

Ccino tired his head. "Oh, why is that?"

Nightmare crossed his arms on the countertop and buried his face in them. Ccino frowned at this, since Nightmare was never this down.

"See, he's so different... At first, he seemed to really like me and want me around, but that was when he had emotions. Ugh. Now, he doesn't feel anything and I hate it so fucking much. But I don't want to bring back his emotions because they're so strong... They'll interfere with his job, and I don't want that. I don't know what to do... I really like him but..."

Ccino sighed, sliding Nightmare's coffee in front of him. The negative king pulled it toward him but did not take a sip. This made Ccino even more concerned, but he did not want to press further. Nightmare would have to open up himself, if he needed someone to talk to.

"For you. On the house."

Nightmare looked up. "Oh. Thanks..."

"It's nothing. Just thought I'd treat you, as you're so down. It's all right."

Ccino moved to serve another person, and Nightmare tentatively sipped his coffee. Even this didn't make him feel any better. He couldn't help but feel lost about what to do. The feelings he felt for Killer were strong, surprisingly so having only met him yesterday. But Nightmare was desperate. Nobody ever liked him, and it had seemed that Killer had when they first met. Both of them were desperate, really. But now... There wasn't anything that could be done. Killer had an important job to do now.

Nightmare decided the easiest thing for him to do was be a little kinder to Killer than the others. Of course, he would snap at him and maybe hurt him, because that was what he normally did. But when nobody was around... He would treat Killer with such kindness...

His entire being hurt with the thought he was in love with somebody he couldn't have...

It sucked. 

For an utterly mediocre lack of better words, it sucked. 

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