Part 4

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After that, they were on their way to her part time job. He suddenly went close to her which made her heart race and gave her chills. "Hold my hand."


"There's a black car following us. Whatever you do, don't turn around. At the next traffic light, run the opposite direction as soon as it turns red and hold my hand tight."

"Ok..." .

When the light turned red, they made a run for it. The car ignored the red light and went over the speed limit. "Don't turn around! We're going down this alley!"

They quickly went into the alley and he held her close to him. "Stay close to me." He pulled her close to him.


"I'm sorry, Miss Ferreira. Please hold on a little longer."

"Take your time." She buried her face in his chest, secretly smelling his chest. 'I love this!'

He checked if the coast was clear and broke the hug. "Sorry that you had to hide behind me like that. They're gone now."

"It's cool."

"Were you scared? Your heart was beating so fast."

"Uh... Yeah! Yeah that was it!" 'It's was because of you, bae!'

"Miss Ferreira." He reached his hand towards her.


"Let's get you to work!"

"Yeah!" She took his hand.

They made to Le Renard Noir. "Kendall! Glad you could make it!" Atsumu said.

"I came just in time."

"You sure did. Oh! Who's this?"

"He's a new friend of mine. He just came to check the place out."

"I'm actually writing a thesis on restaurants near alleys for research."

"Research, huh? Want to do some hands-on experience?"

"Can I..?"

"Of course you can! What do you say?"

"I do want to try!"

"Great! You two can come around the counter and start your training."

After going down the basics, Kendall and Mizuki were ready to be put to the test. "Kendall! Pork noodles for table 5!"

She got the food and went over to the table. "Sorry for the wait. Here's your pork noodles."


"Oh! You're the new girl Atsumu was talking about."

"Yeah. My name is Kendall."

"Nice to meet you! The name's Kenshi."

"I'm Riki. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Hiro! You're pretty cute~!"

"Nice to meet you guys."

"Come on, Takkun! Introduce yourself!"

"Fine. I'm Takuto."

"Nice to meet you too. How are the pork noodles?"

"They're ok..."

"That's good. Do any of you want anything?"

"I'll have some sake." Riki said. "Second that!" Kenshi said. "Can I have you?" Hiro asked.

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