Part 16

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The next morning, Kendall was woken up by the sound of knocking. "What does Kaiji want?" She groaned and answered the door, greeted by triplets.

"Good morning!"

'Oh... I completely forgot that he has triplet sisters.'

"My name is Momoko." "I'm Sakurako." "And I'm Natsuko."

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Kendall."

"We know who you are!" "Did you sleep well?" "Did you have sweet dreams?"


"Hurry and get changed." "Let's go out!" "Let's go shopping!"

"Let's shake things up a bit!" "Let's have a gourmet lunch!" "Kaiji gave us some cash to spend!"


'...Wow. I have twin sisters in the real world, but to have three of them who are in sync with each other... It's very... Interesting.'

"You awake?" Kaiji asked.

"No... I was just sleeping with my eyes open and talking."

He thumped her on the forehead. "Hey..." She was rubbing her forehead.

"You're going out with my sisters for a bit."

"What about Mizuki?"

"I'll watch him. Go out in the afternoon. A little change of pace, yeah?"

"Well ok. Take care of him for me, bro."

"Got it. Also... This. It's a private cell phone. Use it to contact me and whatever you do, don't turn your own phone on. If they get your location, it's over."


"Let's get going, Kendall~!"

They took her to a mall. "Look at this!" "It would look great on you, Kendall!" "Try it on!"

"Uh..." 'It's not really my style...' A flash went off.

"I want my photo taken too!" "Me too!" "Let's ask the store clerk to take it!"

'I don't like pictures! They don't agree with me like the mirror does!'

"SMILE~!" The flash went off again.

"Let's go over there!" "Let get some lunch!" "I want a rice omelet!"

'My head is spinning... My real life sisters don't talk in sync like this at all...'

They got lunch at one of the food courts. "Rice omelet with ketchup!" "With mushrooms!" "It has to have chicken in the rice!"


"Uh... You might want to tone it down just a little bit."

"We should take a commemorative photo!" "We should!" "Smile, Kendall!" The flash went off once more.

"You taking so many pictures..."

"It's for our mini blog." "This is it!" "See?"

"Oh... It's Instagram."

"You heard of it?" "Do you have one?" "Can we add you?"



"What's your username?"

"It's ninja-shinigami."

"Oh! We found you!" "We just followed you!" "Follow us back!"

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