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Kim's pov:


       "And let's just say we made up alllll night."



I stood in the kitchen cutting some fruit for breakfast feeling embarrassed I don't know why im embarrassed this situation isn't a situation to feel embarrassed about. Actually I'm happy, I'm happy as fuck. I mean there's no need to wear hats and a mask when you go outside together, there's no need to hide in a different room when somebody else goes live there's no need to lie to our friends..

I took a deep breath and stopped cutting the fruit. The TV could be heard in the background from the living room. I begin cutting the fruit again, and decided to keep my mind off of what happened last night and just focus on making breakfast.

"Wait what did he tell them that he didn't want me to know.?"

I said to myself confused. As I said that Javon walked into the kitchen and kissed my cheek before asking how my morning was.

"How was your morning beautiful?"

He said as he yawned and fix his shirt.

"I'm just worrying about yesterday-"I said before he cuts me off. I hate when he does that. Well actually it's ok but it's still annoying.

"Don't worry about that baby just focus on your day. Let me think...ok here's the plan. All you have to do is just not say anything don't answer anymore questions,don't listen to all the hate. Just focus on yourself and do whatever you wanna do today ignoring the questions about our relationship."

He actually had a good point. Usually when he cuts me off to tell me an idea it's dumb but this time this may actually work it'll keep me distracted about what everyone says.

"Ok baby." I said as I smlied and kissed his cheek before going to cooking breakfast.

By the way when he said we made up all night that's not what happened we literally just cuddled all night. 🙄


Javons pov:

I can tell that  Kim felt what I did was a big shock to her last night. I knew she understood where I was coming from and I do feel deeply sorry for making her feel that way, but it had to happen. We can keep the secret for so long.

I just hope nobody tells her about what I called her .

I went back and bedroom to get ready. I had a normal day planned out to do interview with THE JORDEN.I wore a plain white shirt with some jeans and a denim jacket.

At the interview I was asked questions about my favorite Jordon's, and about boxing.

             Then that question came..

"Who was the last person you dmed?"

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