chapter 17: tempest vs tornado rematch

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Tatsumaki's arrival brought an unexpected twist to my day. As I casually rose from the debris, a smirk played on my lips, the audacity to challenge someone with my abilities was always met with a certain level of satisfaction.

Tatsumaki:Kid, you've got guts

Tatsumaki declared, her eyes ablaze with determination.

I shrugged, adopting a carefree demeanor.

Me:Well, heroes need to be put in check sometimes, don't they?

With a flick of her wrist, Tatsumaki sent a barrage of psychic projectiles my way. I effortlessly dodged them, my movements fluid and calculated. Her frustration grew palpable as I continued to evade her attacks.

Tatsumaki:You think you can just dance around my psychic powers?

Tatsumaki scowled.

I could have sworn I did it before

Me:Why not? It's a fun dance, and you seem to be enjoying it

I retorted, my words accompanied by a cheeky grin.

Tatsumaki, visibly irked, intensified her assault. The air crackled with psychic energy as she unleashed a devastating tornado, aiming to crush me within its force. I responded by coating my fist in Mana and punched it

Me:Is that all you've got, Tatsumaki? I expected more from the no. 2 hero

I teased, pushing her buttons.

Her eyes flashed with fury.

Tatsumaki:Don't underestimate me, brat!

Tatsumaki propelled herself into the air, creating a massive psychic drill aimed directly at me. I observed with nonchalance as it approached. With a sudden burst of speed, I sidestepped the attack, leaving Tatsumaki to crash into her own psychic drill.

As the dust settled, I strolled towards her fallen form.

Me:ou really need to work on your aim, Tatsumaki.

She struggled to rise, her pride wounded more than her body.

Tatsumaki:You won't mock heroes any longer.

energy swirling around me.

Me:Maybe you're right. It's time to put an end to this dance.

Tatsumaki, realizing the impending danger, readied herself for the final clash. The battleground was set for a showdown between psychic prowess and whatever mysterious abilities I possessed, with the fate of our clash sending ripples through the hero community.

Tatsumaki, still recovering from her previous mishap, glared at me with a renewed determination. I stood my ground, holding my broken sword with an unwavering resolve. The battlefield became charged with anticipation as we prepared for the next exchange.

Tatsumaki:Let's see if you're more than just a mouthy kid

Tatsumaki sneered, launching herself towards me with incredible speed. Her psychic power surged, creating a whirlwind of debris that followed her as she closed the distance.

I dodged her initial attack, swiftly maneuvering around the debris. Tatsumaki unleashed a barrage of psychic projectiles, each one aimed with precision. With nimble footwork, I deftly avoided the onslaught, gauging the distance between us for an opportune moment.

Seizing the chance, Tatsumaki attempted to ensnare me in a telekinetic grip. I countered with my broken sword, channeling my  magical abilities into a swift strike. The energy resonated within the blade, disrupting her psychic control momentarily. It was a brief respite, but enough for me to slip away.

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