chapter 19: Lady's time 🍋

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Kai's First Person View

I sat there, utterly frustrated and annoyed, surrounded by my adorable pets, Kuro and Nissa, and Hakari, who were attempting to console me after a barrage of uncomfortable and annoying situations.

Me:Why do they treat me like this? Just because I look younger than I actually am, they assume I can't handle watching a movie like Deadpool 3

I complained, wiping away the tears that betrayed my frustration.

Hakari, being the empathetic soul she was, patted my back gently.

Hikari:It's okay, Kai. People can be judgmental, but it doesn't define who you are.

I sighed, still feeling the weight of annoyance on my shoulders.

Me:I hate being a shota. It's like people don't take me seriously. I'm not a child; I just look like one. It's infuriating.

Nissa and Kuro, sensing my distress, nuzzled against me, offering their comforting presence. Despite being pets, they had a remarkable ability to understand and provide solace.

Hakari spoke softly,

Hakari:You know, Kai, your appearance doesn't determine your worth or capabilities. You're strong, and those who underestimate you will regret it.

I nodded, appreciating her words, but the frustration lingered.

Me:I just wish people could see beyond the surface. Being treated like a child all the time gets on my nerves.

Hakari smiled,

Hakari:Maybe it's an advantage. Catch them off guard with your strength, and they'll realize appearances can be deceiving.

Taking a deep breath, I tried to shake off the annoyance, realizing Hakari had a point.

Me:You're right. I shouldn't let it bother me too much. If they underestimate me, they'll be in for a surprise.

As we continued our conversation, the support from Hakari and the comforting presence of my pets began to ease the frustration, reminding me that strength comes in various forms, regardless of appearances.

As Hikari continued to give me a piggyback ride, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of embarrassment and amusement. Nuzzling against her neck, I let out a soft chuckle, my lips grazing her skin.

Me:You know, being carried like this feels kind of embarrassing

I admitted, my voice muffled against her neck.

Hikari laughed, the sound resonating warmly.

Hikari:oh, come on, Kai. It's not that bad. Besides, you're not heavy at all.

I playfully kissed her cheek, planting a gentle and affectionate peck.

Me:Well, if you say so. But it's your fault if people start giving us strange looks.

She shrugged, still carrying me effortlessly.

Hikari:Let them look. Who cares? As long as you're comfortable.

I rested my head on her shoulder, enjoying the closeness.

Me:True. Thanks for being so understanding, Hikari.

With a smile, she replied,

Hikari:Of course, Kai. It's what I'm here for – to support you, whether it's dealing with annoying judgments or simply giving you a piggyback ride.

We continued our journey, the playful banter and affectionate gestures creating a lighthearted atmosphere. Despite the initial embarrassment, I couldn't deny the comfort of being in Hikari's company. The world might see me as a shota, but in moments like these, I felt a sense of normalcy and acceptance that transcended societal expectations.

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