chapter 23: hikari's home invitation 🍋

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My Pov

My mind raced as I took in the opulence of Hikari's mansion, feeling like I had stepped into a different world entirely. The grandeur of the architecture, the meticulously landscaped gardens, and the sheer size of the estate left me speechless.

Hikari smiled at my reaction, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

Hikari:Welcome to my humble abode, Kai

she said, her tone playful.

Me:Humble? This is anything but humble

I muttered, still trying to process the sight before me.

Nissa and Kuro, my faithful companions, were equally stunned, their tails twitching nervously as they took in their surroundings.

Meido Mei, Hikari's maid, greeted us with a polite bow.

Meido:Welcome, Master Kai. It's a pleasure to have you here

she said with a warm smile.

I blushed at the title, feeling both honored and out of place.

Me:uh, thank you, Mei. It's um, nice to meet you too

I  stammered, feeling suddenly self-conscious.

Hikari laughed, a melodious sound that eased some of my tension.

Hikari:Don't worry, Kai. Mei is very welcoming, despite her formal demeanor

she reassured me, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

I nodded, trying to relax as Hikari led us inside the mansion. The interior was just as lavish as the exterior, with elegant furnishings and tasteful decorations adorning every room.

As we walked through the halls, Hikari pointed out various features of the mansion, sharing anecdotes about her childhood and the memories she had made within its walls.

Listening to her stories, I couldn't help but feel a pang of envy. Hikari's life seemed so different from mine—privileged, comfortable, and filled with love and warmth.

But despite our differences, Hikari had always treated me with kindness and acceptance, never once making me feel inferior or out of place.

As we reached the main living area, Hikari turned to me with a smile.

Hikari:Make yourself at home, Kai. This place is as much yours as it is mine

she said warmly.

I smiled back, feeling a sense of gratitude wash over me. Despite the doubts and insecurities that still lingered within me, being here with Hikari and her family made me feel like I belonged.

And for that, I was truly grateful.

Hikari's hand felt warm and comforting as she led me through the maze-like corridors of her mansion. Each room we passed through seemed to hold its own story, its own memories waiting to be shared.

Hikari:This is the library

Hikari said, gesturing towards a grand room filled with towering bookshelves and plush reading nooks.

Hikari:It's my favorite place to escape to when I need some quiet time.

I marveled at the rows of books, imagining the countless adventures and knowledge they contained.

Me:It's incredible

I murmured, unable to tear my gaze away.

Hikari smiled, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

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