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: ̗̀➛✎·˚ ༘ೃ⁀➷

The driver skillfully navigated the car through the dimly lit streets, and after 30 minutes, the imposing mansion loomed ahead, a fortress of secrecy and power.

Seated on plush couches in the opulent living room, Eunwoo, Mingyu, and Jungkook delved into a serious discussion. Eunwoo, with a poker face, revealed, "Hwang was planning something, Jungkook," displaying various clips to support his claim.

Jungkook, the charismatic leader, wore a sly smirk. "You think he can harm me?" he chuckled, exuding confidence. Mingyu, ever the pragmatic one, interjected, "He can't, but still, we have to do something; he's getting on our nerves." Swiftly, Mingyu drew his gun, reacting with precision to thwart an imminent threat to Jungkook's safety.

"Blood, hell," Mingyu muttered after eliminating the danger. To the trio, this act was routine, the harsh reality of their clandestine world. Eunwoo, seemingly indifferent, inspected the deceased's face and casually pulled out his phone to cross-check information.

Jungkook, a stoic figure, trusted Mingyu and Eunwoo implicitly. Their loyalty, forged since childhood, transcended mere camaraderie. Eunwoo, Mingyu, and Jungkook were an unbreakable triumvirate, their destinies intertwined by familial bonds and unwavering trust.

Eunwoo discovered incriminating evidence-photos and videos that could jeopardize their operation. Deleting the compromising content, he nonchalantly tossed the phone onto the lifeless body. "Clean this mess," Eunwoo commanded, resuming his seat on the luxurious couch.

While Mingyu engaged in a conversation, Jungkook's demeanor shifted. Lost in his thoughts, he seemed detached from the immediate surroundings. Eunwoo, noticing Jungkook's distraction, tried to bring him back to reality. "Jungkook, back on earth," Eunwoo remarked, but Jungkook's gaze lingered, a thousand thoughts racing through his mind.

"What were you saying, Eunwoo?" Jungkook questioned, his usual composure momentarily shaken. Mingyu chimed in, "Jungkook, what happened to you suddenly? Maybe because of the gunshot?" he suggested, eyeing Eunwoo. Eunwoo added, "He got a gunshot before, too, but he never behaved like that." Mingyu nodded in agreement.

Amidst the unsettling atmosphere, Jungkook abruptly voiced a surprising demand. "I want his information," he declared, referring to a certain individual. Mingyu and Eunwoo exchanged perplexed glances. "Huh?" they both uttered in unison.

"I want that boy. What was his name... Ummm... Yeah, Kim Taehyung. I want all his information," Jungkook stated, fixating his gaze on Mingyu and Eunwoo.

"But-" Mingyu attempted to interject, only to be cut off by Jungkook's resolve. "I'm tired, and it's already 3 AM, so I'm going to sleep. I want Kim Taehyung's information by morning," Jungkook asserted, leaving Mingyu and Eunwoo dumbfounded.

As Jungkook made his way to his room, the weight of uncertainty lingered in the air. Mingyu smirked lightly, realizing that beneath Jungkook's composed exterior, a complex web of emotions and motives was beginning to unravel. The night held secrets, and the mansion bore witness to the intricate dance of power and intrigue within its secretive walls.


Small chapter!!?? Yeah I know but I have exams so let's enjoy this small chapter.

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