Mind Heart Coherence and Synchronicities

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July 29th 2023

What would life be if you decided to choose to respond instead of reacting? The fear of not being good enough? That you would say something to trigger someone, or your idea being laughed at? What would happen if you let it all go in real time? Living in the flow state, we hear that all the time but what exactly does that mean? Have you ever observed your awareness? That thing that makes us aware and conscious? Bring it to your heart while closing your eyes. Hold it there until you feel it swirl and tingle. That is pure. 

That is the pure energy that we all are made of our soul resides in our heart. Did you know that our heart has a way of harmonizing the entire body and you can create your dream reality with it? 

I've recently had an epiphany about the mind heart coherence that Dr. Joe Dispenza talks about. I went out in the world and decided to experiment with my consciousness, I tried letting go all the tension in my body and raising my frequency by finding all the good around me. Opening myself up to find the synchronicities all around me, I did so, and boy did I get results. I said while driving in the car that the skies would be blue and the sun bright before I reach where I was headed. At the time it was pouring rain and the skies where white. 

I imagined bright skies and smiled up at the white sheet of rain and said in my mind and under my breath. 'I am shifting to a reality where the clouds clear up and it is sunny' and in a few minutes I could see the shimmer of sunshine from the parting clouds. My heart jumped for joy as I took in what was happening. Never have I felt so connected to my heart center outdoors before. Felling my heart still I walked in the mall, my calm heart guided me to my first deck of cards. I believed that I was to be sent a deck of cards to help me on my healing journey. I walked into Charrans and my feet took me to a place and I stopped. I looked around and then straight ahead, and there it was. A lonely deck of Crystal Healing cards. 

The synchronicity blew my mind. I thanked the universe and tried not to cry at the store. I walked again allowing my heart to lead, there it was, sitting in the glass something I had looked for forever but never found it the price I could afford. It was on sale. I got it for so much less than I previously had seen it for. My heart jumped for joy yet again. Other small lovely meaningful synchronicities came to me for the remainder of the day. What I learned was trust. I found a way to tap into the best version of myself in the moment. I found it very fulfilling and freeing. What I did was let go of any judgmental thoughts that came up and align my awareness to my heart space. 

I led with genuine emotions and allowed myself to be human and enjoy it. I felt so much healing and bliss throughout the day and it reminded me what living should feel like. If you want to learn to align more with your heart you can listen to Dr. Joe Dispenza's Books and Workshops and do his Meditations. 

They can be of great help to you as a guide on how to start. Remember that it all happens with you. You choose to do this. You allow this blessing game to come. Its beautiful and it works! Go have fun experimenting like I did and write to me your experiences back on Instagram dms @alexsarjoo or email @ freebeethought@gmail.com.

Dr, Joe Dispensa's Work:https://youtu.be/V_-K4GUX53k - Becoming Supernaturalhttps://youtu.be/Krrd3AwwLqU - Unlocking the Human Mindhttps://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsqKy9maqkYNNQaEZVh3Rj6i57MX4xHYv - TestimonialsYou can just type in Joe Dispenza on YouTube and there is a world of videos. Explore to your hearts content.https://youtu.be/nTYITNfKlRc - Quantum Jumping Meditation.

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