Trust is the Path

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September 27th 2023.

We all start somewhere. It's a place of wanting more. A place of yearning. We start on a path to find something that really speaks to us a feeling that we don't even know we need yet. It's a deep inner knowing of more. 

There is where the path begins. Following that feeling will lead you to awareness. We then start to build trust in our heart. Then we learn that trusting is one of the greatest tools there is to rapid awakening. How do we just trust? What does it even mean to trust? Trust is found in the present moment. It is abundant there. How do we get to that present moment when thoughts are all we have known to trust for guidance? Guidance we so crave to be okay with the unknown. 

The unknown is a place where miracles happen. A place where there is every single possibility existing all at once. Fear creates fear. Love creates love. Trust creates trust. Trust is Letting go of all the thoughts you trusted and allowing yourself to be emersed into the divine presence of this very moment. Trust is letting go of control and believing the outcome is for your highest good. Distinguishing thoughts from inner guidance starts by trusting your heart. Your heart has a mind of its own and thinks with emotion. 

The more we allow ourselves to feel what we feel without judgement the more aligned we will become with our higher purpose and come off of that karmic treadmill. Achieving this is all in the present moment. Bring your awareness to the center of your eyes. Let it slowly move down to your heart. Now breathe in deeply from your gut and focus on your breathing with your awareness in your heart. Breathe. Breathe. Every time you breathe feel it as your heart energy of love and bliss expands. Expanding until your vibration rises to the point of pure bliss and joy. This doesn't have to be complicated at all. We all start somewhere from a place of wanting more. Trust is the foundation of the path. Trust is the path. Trusting that your experiences are all for a greater purpose. Trusting that you have got an inner guidance system to guide you on your highest path. 

What is it what we all want? Personally, my goal was fulfillment. For years I searched and searched listening to all the podcasts and audiobooks I felt was right for me spiritually at the level of consciousness I was at the time. It's when I found the key component of it all is where I started to embody all that I've learned. It was Letting go. It was allowing. It was Trusting. 

What do I trust? Who is the inner guidance that I have? I'm here to tell you that YOU are the key. Your decision to Let go and trust yourself and believing that you have got the key, and all the answers will appear. Listening to you again. Caring for you. Hearing the voice of your loving heart without judgement and in gratitude. 

Trust. Trust You again. The real you. The heart of you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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