Chapter 3

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The drive was silent, but she didn't seem to mind since she was more of an observer than she was a talker. She stared into space as she was waiting to get to the BAU office where she'll be meeting the team of 7 well 6 if you only count who's in the field, but I include the lovely tech geek!

"I've noticed you aren't much of a talker." States Strauss as she keeps her eyes on her book.

"Mh~" Jenelle sighs softly. "Never saw much point if I'm not listened to...the only person that truly listened to me probably hates me for leaving as quickly as I did." She says quietly not meaning to be heard.

"I see." She says in response, already reading that from you.

When the two of them arrived at the office she was handed a visitor's badge while Strauss waited at the elevator for her. she walked over to her duffle bag over her shoulder and backpack over the other. The both of them stepped into the elevator, Strauss pressed button 6 as the doors closed in front of the two of them. She looked at the time seeing how early it was, not knowing if any of her temporary teammates would be there yet.

(Cliffhanger! Make any requests by messaging me or posting on my page my lovely readers! 💖)

Derek Morgan's SecretTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang