Chapter 5

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"Hi, Derek good to see you." she replies with her soft tone.

He chuckles and opens his arms for her to hug him, of course she does so happy to see him. The team is very confused Derek starts to explain that the two of them were neighbors for four years until her so called parents told him she had disappeared shortly before the new school year. They're surprised since he never mentioned having a friend from Chicago that disappeared during their youth. She nuzzles her face into his chest not very fond of the attention, taking in his scent. Derek slipped her bags off of her shoulders Prentiss taking them and putting them on the couch. While trying to profile the young Doctor, but unable to because she can hide everything that could be used to profile her.

"So, you guys lived next to each other for four years?" Rossi asks.

"Yeah, I saw her around Chicago, but we only started talking when we became neighbors." Derek replies while rubbing circles on your back.

"Why do you call her 'princess'?" JJ asks.

"Because she is my best friend and always will be." He replies before she mumbles,

"That and you always treated me like one, so the nickname stuck." Not really fond of the attention she squirmed, trying to get out of line of sight.

Derek shakes his head releasing her so she can get her, well one of his old hoodies from high-school. Jenelle slips it over her head taking in the warmth.

"You still have that?" Derek questions.

"Well, no aren't getting it back at all by the way." She says while sitting on the couch next to her things.

(Make any requests by messaging me or posting on my page my lovely readers! 💖)

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