01.17 Contemporary Theatre & Dinner Out

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I woke up some hours later, the alarm being set at 7:55. I showered, grabbed a pen, my ID and a bottle of water, and I walked to the Science of Language and Communications Faculty listening to music and eating a banana.

I took my final English Contemporary Theatre exam, I hope to score a 10. I talked to Shabby outside of class, and to Jo + Finn's friendgroup downstairs, at the cafeteria terrace. Then I went with my friends to Belize Café. I had a coffee and two pieces of toast with tomato, and talked with Elle about the exam and about books on our to-read list.

I felt exhausted and sick, so I said bye and walked home. On the way back, I stopped by a pharmacy to buy some pills and I took some money out of a cashier to pay this month's rent.

Back home, I went straight to bed. I procrastinated listening to music and eventually I fell deeply asleep.

I woke up again and I had lunch and then I took the underground to Benetton District. Julie and I went to Enemy, a popular bar in the area. We had a beer and discussed our costumes/food for Eivor's birthday party, which is this Saturday.

Dennis and Andy joined and the three of us + Arnold went to have dinner at a hamburger place. We had hamburgers, jalapeño cheeseballs and pumpkin fries. We talked and discussed the end of our exams, then we went back to Enemy to play cards and have another beer.

Arnold, Dennis and I walked home at 00. Back home I went to bed and felt a little sick, but it passed away soon and I quickly fell asleep.

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