02.29 Aline

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Because I came home late from the pictures I woke up a little later, at around 9:30. It took me a while to get my head cleared and leave the bed.

I took a quick shower and I prepared lunch as I had a quick breakfast (a glass of kefir and a boiled egg). I then left the house and took the underground at A-Lane to Angel's Gate.

I sat down at a bench by the National Fountain outside the station. An old man and his caretaker sat next to me and fed pigeons on his lap, which I thought heart-warming and couldn't help but smile the whole time.

Aline arrived a little late and then we walked over to Cyrian Café, a café that she liked that was nearby. I ordered a japanese herbal tea + a big chocolate biscuit to have. We were there for 2 hours, studying, until 13:30. I revised for French Literature.

We then walked over to Korea Station and took line 4 direction Maelstrom, and got off at the Blaise Irving City Campus stop. We had lunch at the terrace of the building (pasta salad with tuna, corn, rukula, boiled egg, cheese and almonds) and at 15 I suggest Aline that she could come into my English History of Ideas class, and she accepted.

On the stairs we saw Mark smoking a cigarette and we talked to him, he had French Literature 204.

English History of Ideas went really good. The class debate was long, interesting and well delivered. The professor pointed out several of my arguments today and said that she was happy that I was beginning to think in a very philosophical way, in terms of thought structure. She also said I was going very in depth and into the core of the issues, which she was contempt about. I really like this class, I hope I'll do well in the exams and get a proper grade.

Aline left after this class and I had Lexicology, which was honestly hard to get through. I truly think I have interest in the subject, but our professor makes it out to be an impossible class. Not in terms of difficulty, but in terms of boredom. I sat through the two hours and felt relieved when it ended.

I went home after that. I went to the supermarket and to the fruit shop downstairs to buy some food, I tidied my room and then prepared a cup of hot chocolate with cream + wheat biscuits with peanut butter.

I went into my room and studied some more French Lit as I ate. But I began feeling like listening to music so I stopped studying and had a long session of listening to Fleetwood Mac and Bill Withers.

Then I started feeling a strong stomachache because of everything I had eaten so I laid in bed, which is what I'm doing now. It is 23:30. I haven't had dinner, I don't know if I'll do at this point because it is late and because my stomach still hurts.

Anyway, good night, it won't be long before I go to bed now. Tomorrow I want to wake up early because I have to pick up my new pair of glasses, ideally go to the street market and then I have a class at 12.

Speak soon.

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