Part 7

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The scene cuts back to the flower stand.

Aiger: "Flower seller, flower seller! The wise follower's gonna help my kitten! I just need a maroon sash."

Suoh: "Of course! I'll give you anything if it helps Partinias."

Suoh stands up, humming, and yanks down his sash.

Cut to the hospital.

Naru squeals and laughs.

Kana and Nurse: "Ewww!"

Kana: "Oh, dear."

The scene cuts to the produce stand. Suoh hands Aiger his sash.

Suoh: "There you go."

Aiger: "Thanks."

Aiger takes the sash and turns to leave.

Aiger: "Wait. I forgot to ask. Have you ever been sick?"

Suoh: "Sick? Oh. Well, yes. I've got..."

The camera suddenly zooms in on Suoh's face as a dramatic music sting plays.

Suoh: "allergies."

Cut to the hospital.

Naru gasps.

Kana: "Oh my!"

The nurse laughs.

Kana: "Good grief!"

Naru: (concerned) "He can't use that sash."

Cut to the flower stand.

Aiger: "Oh, okay. Thanks anyway."

Aiger returns Suoh's sash.

Aiger: "I'll have to try someone else."

Aiger runs out of frame.

Naru: "Good luck!"

Taiga: "And cut."

Suoh hurriedly sneezes.

But back to Toko and Nika as the baker's. The vase has been replaced with an upside-down hat.

Aiger: "Baker twins, have you ever been sick?"

Toko: "Yes."

Nika: "We were sick yast lear."

The camera beeps.

Nika: "We were sick yast lear."

The camera beeps.

Nika: "We were sick last week."

Aiger: "Oh."

Toko & Nika: "We had rabies."

Cut back to the hospital.

The nurse laughs. Naru looks concerned.

Kana: (laughing) "What?"

Cut back to the video.

Aiger: "Okay, no. "

 Toko and Nika were looking at each other while making direct eye contact with the camera.

Aiger: "I can't use your sash's. Thanks, baker twins."

Aiger runs out of frame.

Toko & Nika: "Bye, Achilles!"

Beyblade Burst Turbo: Achilles and the Wise FollowerWhere stories live. Discover now