Girl Meets Boy Part 1

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1800+  Words

(Third POV)

It was another regular day at John Quincy Adams Middle School and Maya, Riley and Gavin were standing over by the lockers. While Riley was glued to her phone Gavin had a small notebook in his hands that he was scribbling in.

"Talk to him." Maya said sternly, making Gavin jump.

"Why? We have a great test relationship." Riley said only briefly looking up from her phone before going back to it.

"You know what's a better text relationship?" Maya said getting Riley to finally put down her phone for a minute.

"What?" Riley asked.

"For the love of... talk to him!" Gavin said annoyed by this pattern that had been going back and forth for a few minutes now.

Riley didn't respond, she only looked back at her phone and showed her text from Lucas to her to Maya and Gavin.

"Girl he is right over there!" Gavin exclaimed, pointing to the boy who was no more than 6 feet from them.

"NOOO!" Riley said, exaggerating the sound, "Too complicated over there, lots can go wrong over there, the only thing that can go wrong over here is if I go over there."

Finally done with this nonsense Gavin gave up and walked over to Lucas and started up a conversation with him. What he didn't see was Maya pointing to the two boys and Riley following her arm and walking over to them, then attempting to talk to them multiple times without saying a word out loud and then proceeding to sniff the backs of their necks.

"How'd I do?" Riley asked as she walked back over to Maya.

"You smelled him." Maya said with no emotion.


"You smelled him is what you did."

"I walk through life the way I walk through life."

"You also smelled Gavin, why?"

"Don't know."

"Can we please talk about this?" Maya asked before Riley walked off not answering but sending her friend a text.

"Nope." Maya said as she followed the brunet into the classroom.

"Well that's the bell we should probably get to class don't you think." Lucas said as he stood up and held his hand out to Gavin who took it before getting up.

"Why thank you kind sir." Gavin said, putting on a fake country accent.

"I do not sound like that." Lucas protested to the accent that Gavin was still trying to perfect.

"Ok but I'm getting close right?" Gavin asked hopefully.

"Not even." Lucas said as they both walked to the classroom.

(Time Skip)

"You guys don't connect with each other." Mr. Mathews said as he started his lecture holding up a cellphone. "It's like you can't exist without these. You use emoticons rather than emotions. You're an unfeeling generation of zombies."

This comment made Riley and maya start to pretend to eat each other "Stop eating her." Just after that another student walked into the classroom late, "You're late, Miss Mizell."

"My goldfish died." Mizell said emotionlessly.

"You see this is what I'm talking about, Miss Mizell has clearly suffered a tragic loss. Yet she does not seem in touch with her actual emotions." Mathews said, pulling the girl into a side hug as he led her to the front of the classroom.

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