Chapter 1🧛‍♀️ <3

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y/n was bored alone at her house and then she realized she is running out of outfits, she got up to put on some cute black cargo pants and a black crop top with a badazzled cross on the front, she went to her vanity and put on eyeliner and lashes and the rest of her makeup. Once she finished her makeup she put on her doc martins and walked to her car.

She drove to the mall, it was about a 1hr drive. Once she got there she immediately walked to the food court and looked around for what drink she wants, she walked to starbucks and looked at the menu, it was currently december so they had the winter menu. She got the iced gingerbread coffee, while she was waiting for her drink she put in one of her earbuds and listened  to the cure. She got her drink and walked over to hot topic, she immediately walked over to the shirts looking for band tee's, when she walked over there she saw a man, he had long black hair and makeup, he had emo clothes on and he was about 5'9. she looked at him and she immediately fell in love, she walked over to the shirts and she could feel him looking at her, her face turned slightly pink hearing him come over to her. (?)"hey, if you need help finding anything you can ask me" he said with a smile. i smiled back and said "yeah, ty!" he smiled and turned around, i immediately got butterflies when he talked to me, his voice was so cute, everything about him was. I kept looking at the shirts and decided to walk over to him again, i tapped on his shoulder and looked up at him, he turned around and looked down at me, "hey, the shirt i'm trying to get has boxes infront of it" he nodded and walked over to the shirts, i showed him what i wanted and he moved the boxes and got it for me "a small?" he asked i nodded and he handed me the shirt i was about to say thank you but he said "i really like the cure too" i smiled at him and said "yeah, i've listened to them since i was like 15" i said and slightly giggled. I said thank you and walked over to the belts, i was thinking in my head and remembered i didn't ask for his name "oh shucks" i muttered to myself i was trying to bring myself to go back and ask but i got nervous, i had never been this nervous over a guy before. I got to scared and decided not to, i went to go pay and waited in line. Once it as my turn i sat my stuff down and got my wallet and pulled out the money, i sat my wallet down to count the money and i handed it to the cashier and grabbed my clothes.

Once i got to my house i went to change into pajamas and realized a didn't have my wallet "shucks" i put on my pajamas and layed down, i was still thinking about the guy i saw at the mall, i slowly drift to sleep until i hear knock at my door. I walk downstairs and opened the door to see the hot topic guy holding my wallet, "hey you left this at the mall" he said smiling, i grabbed my wallet gently and i feel our hands touch, "tysm" i said, "and what's your name btw?" he smiled and replied "i'm johnnie :)" i smiled and said "i'm y/n but you've probably already seen my id" i said giggling(not in a weird uwu way ppl) "do you want to come inside for food or anything?" i asked "sure, i haven't had anything to eat today" he said smiling at me. I could feel him looking me dead in the eyes, i moved so he can come in and i shut the door behind him. I led him to the kitchen and asked him what he wanted, "i don't mind, i'll have anything" he said, i opened the fridge and looked for something to make. "mac and cheese okay?" i ask, he nodded his head and i start to make it. "what do you want to drink?" "do you have dr pepper" he asked i nodded and pulled out a can from the fridge and handed it to him. once the mac and cheese was done i put it in two bowls and sat next to him. we talked and ate for about an hour and i ended up giving him my number.

𝑱𝒐𝒉𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒆 𝒈𝒖𝒊𝒍𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒕 x 𝒀/𝑵Where stories live. Discover now