Your kid doesnt remember you: Michael

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Imagine Michael coming home from tour and being super super excited to see you, his supportive wife, and his two year old mini me. he'd walk into the house, dropping his bags on the floor by the door, even tho he knows you hate that, and calling out for you. he hears your cooing and the sound of little feet running but as soon as your little boy turned the corner and spotted this tall stranger standing in front of the door he froze. Michael would smile and call out "hey there buddy, come give daddy a hug" but your little boys lip would start to quiver and he'd run and hide behind your legs because he didn't recognize Michael and this would just kill Michael and you watched as his face fell and his eyes widened, stuttering a "h-he doesn't remember me?" and you'd kneel down, bring your little boy from behind you and rubbing his belly as you asked him "baby thats daddy. you remember daddy, don't you sweetie?" and your little one would shake his head and rub his wet eyes with tiny clenched fists and Michael would just be watching with this pained, defeated look on his face as tears soaked into his plain black shirt. you two would eat dinner and settle on the couch, your little boy wrapped up in your arms seeing as he wouldn't leave your side and it'd be almost bed time and Michael would be sitting on the floor with his guitar, just lazily strumming until he just started playing the lullaby he wrote for his son when he was still just a small bump under your shirt and your little boys eyes would pop open at the sound, his bright blue eyes, just like his daddy's, sparkling as she crawled out of your lap and off the couch, walking over to his daddy with his thumb in his mouth before plopping down on the floor next to Michael and touching the guitar strings. Michael, shocked and no longer playing the song, watches his mini me tap one of the strings evoking a low chord before he giggles happily and smiles at Michael saying "daddy play" and Michael would get so happy, looking between you and your little one, asking him "do you want daddy to play your song?" and your son would smile and clap his hands repeating "daddy play song." and Michael would just excitedly fumble to start playing, so happy he felt like crying because his son finally remembered.

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