He surprises you for the holidays- Luke

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okay so imagine bestfriend Luke taking an early flight home to see you for the holidays and you have no idea and you both kind of already stated the fact you definitely liked each other as more than friends just before he left for tour so when he was away you both just talked like that had never even happened and omg ok so you'd hear someone ring your door bell and you'd be in your fuzzy socks and cute pajama pants with one of lukes old high school sweatshirts and gahh okay so you'd open the door and there luke would be standing holding a little duffle bag and probably some flowers he got from the airport bc he did not have time to stop anyway else bc he was just too desperate to see you and hug you and he'd be standing there with the biggest smile across his face and he'd drop his bag to the ground as you jumped up and hugged him so tight and tucked your head in his neck and his ears would be freezing ( he would be freezing ) and he'd push the door open and bring the both of you into the house and you would not let go as you mumbled "i missed you i missed you i missed you i missed you" into his neck and he'd rub your back and chuckle as he wrapped his arms even tighter around your waist and when you finally let go and he set you back onto the ground you'd both plop down onto your couch and he'd start telling you how amazing tour was and your head would be in his lap as he messed with your hair and his cheeks would be so rosy still from being outside and in the middle of him talking you'd sit up and just casually say "hey i missed you a lot also i really want to kiss you at the moment from all the missing-ness that's been going on and i think- i think um i-" and lukey would be in a full smile by now and he'd place his hand on your cheeks before saying "stop babbling dweeb" before kissing you and you'd both be giggling into it until the idiot remembers he left his bag ( and your most likely frozen flowers now) outside

Happy Thanksgiving!! 🦃

5SOS ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora