At the airport: Michael

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Being at the airport with Michael, and he's constantly whining "babe, we have been here FOREVER." You offer a small shrug and a squeeze to his thigh, because there was nothing you could do. He would let out an over exaggerated sigh and slump down farther in the seat, lips pouted, muttering something under his breath about how he "wanted to get the hell out of this place already." looking around to the other boys to see if they could offer anything, you saw the same begrudging looks written on their faces. Luke couldn't look more bored, aimlessly flicking through an app on his phone he downloaded soley for times like this. Calum had his sunglasses on, headphones over his ears, his mouth open just the slightest as his head lolled back to make the most of this down time and sleep. Ashton bopped his head along to some song coarsing through his earbuds, typing out a tweet about what you guessed was something grammatically incorrect but super deep. Your eyes fell back on your boyfriend, who had managed to pull his hood up his head, arms crossed, mindlessly tapping his leg against yours. Grabbing your headphones out of your bag, you took Michael's phone, connecting them and scrolling through his music, ending on a song you knew would make him feel better. You leaned your head on his shoulder, putting an earbud in your ear and offering the other to him. He made no attempt to grab it, a soft laugh bubbling out of you because 'typical Michael' , so you put it in for him and patted his stubble laced cheek. The first lines to the song rang through the headphones and you waited for the reaction to come from Michael. He sat still for a few seconds, finally breaking when you whispered along to the lyrics in the same high pitched voice. "I'm a barbie girl, in a barbie worrrrrldddd. Life in plastic-" "it's fantastic" he finished for you, rolling his eyes and letting a little giggle out. Silently you thanked Luke for putting it on Michael's phone as a joke a while ago, laughing at your dork of a boyfriend who was trying to play both Barbie and Ken in the song.

Please check out my new book Sh!t the 5sos fam does? 😘

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