SGFG- Luke

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But can you imagine, flying out to see Luke to celebrate the album release and the second you're back in his hotel room he tackles you to the bed, only half of his body on top of yours so he doesn't crush you, his face buried between your neck and your shoulder before he grins and goes
"Ready to listen to it?" Because this little shit would definitely have not let you listen to it before the release day, just to annoy you, so of course you smile and nod and without changing position he would just go on Spotify and stream it.
He would be so focused on you, taking in every expressions that came across your face, and deep down he would be nervous because what if his girl didn't like it but when the last note of carry on plays and you look at him with tears in your eyes and the biggest smile on your face, he knew you loved it.
He would hover you and you would just tug on his necklace, bringing your lips together and kissing him softly but so passionately, trying to put all of your feelings in this kiss. And finally you would smile at him, your hand playing with his hair.
"I don't think I've ever been prouder of anyone in my life."

Whats your favorite song off the album? There all so good I can't even pick but castaway is def one of my favorites 😍👌🏼

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