He takes care of you- Calum

164 3 1

Requested by Amber (Dropdeadhood )

"Ugh" you groaned at the phone ringing for the millionth time today. You winced in pain as you struggled to get off the couch. After tearing your acl dancing, you hated Cal  being at the studio all day but you knew he had work to do.

"I'm coming!" You yelled at the still ringing phone. Just as you were making your way to the kitchen, you heard the door open. "Amber what do you think you're doing!" You heard a familiar voice yell. Confused, you turned your head to see the brown, curly headed boy rushing over to you.

"The phone was ringing" you said squeezing your eyes shut in pain due the pressure on your leg. "You're not supposed to be walking" he said calmer than his previous outburst.

"What are you doing home anyway?" You asked, as he helped you make your way back over to the couch.

"I came home early to take care of you. You need to rest, and I know you'd try to get out of it." He said slightly chuckling. "Here, lay down."

He leaned down and left a small kiss on your forehead before walking into the kitchen. You heard clanking and a few mumbled cuss words from the other room and laughed to yourself. You loved Calum, but the boy was a klutz.

A few minutes later he returned with an ice pack and cup of tea. He lifted your head and sat down so your head was in his lap.

"You're never gonna get better if you keep disobeying your doctor" he said looking down, his fingers playing with the ends of your hair.

"Maybe I like you taking care of me" you smirked up at him.

"Anything for my girl" he said. You closed your eyes and smiled, thankful you had such an amazing boyfriend to take care of you.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2016 ⏰

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