Chapter 13: Urgent Call

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Dear Ivy,
I'm sorry I didn't figure it out before. Cordelia claims that you were murdered. I want to believe her deeply and even though I'm doubting it, I don't consider it impossible. I knew you better than anyone, but Cordelia has wits and cunningness that overwhelms me. All I wish is that you felt secure and safe, and that you knew how much you meant to me. You're still a huge part of my life and I will forever cherish our memories together. And I promise to make up for your death somehow.

The atmosphere of the apartment has changed with Cordelia's presence. I suddenly feel aware of all my movements, as well as my breathing, despite her being in another room. I change my clothes briskly, hoping she won't walk in on me half naked. After that, I send her a message.

Are you awake?

I get no reply. I roam around the apartment a bit, turning on the kettle to prepare tea. I don't even know what Cordelia likes. I really invited a stranger into my home so casually. Will I ever think through my decision making skills?

She eventually makes her way down the magnificent stairs, with the glass railings on either side. Black remains of old mascara are visible underneath her eyes and her raven-black hair is shining from the morning sun in an organized mess. She's wearing gray pajamas with dark blue stripes, matching her perfectly lit up face. She yawns as she approaches me in the kitchen, where I'm applying butter to my sandwich.

She stretches her arms up towards the sky. "Good morning," she says, "what lovely weather today."

I keep my eyes on my white sandwich as I accidentally tear a hole through it with the knife. I curse.

"I would make a terrible housewife," I say, applying cheese to my half ruined bread.

"Hey, the bread is still edible, at least."

"Surprised I didn't burn the whole house down."

Coincidentally, I hear the wailing intrusive sound of the tea kettle. We both laugh in a choir as I hurry to turn it off.

"So, yeah, what next? Am I allowed to take the deer sculpture home with me?"

"Do whatever suits you best," I reply.

"I'm afraid I won't have enough time before it's too late. So tell me, do you know any possible locations to where we need to place this sculpture in order to view the program? Would it be in San Francisco?"

"It would probably be in Denver. But it's possible it's here. I have no idea."

Cordelia releases a small breath like a mild winter breeze. "If we're gonna find this location, I am going to need your help. I'm afraid we don't have enough time to hack into its database. I've never done something like that before."

I fold my arms, "but how am I supposed to help you? I barely even know how to solve an algebra equation." 

"Just think," she says slowly, "you knew Ivy for longer than I did. Where do you think she would put this sort of "hologram activator" to the deer sculpture?"

"Well, for starters, I don't even know if it was Ivy or her dad. And it could be anywhe-"

"No, Liv, you don't understand," Cordelia interferes rather sharply, almost irritably, "they gave you this sculpture in the first place. Which means it must be a message directed towards you. So that must mean that they entrust you to have a clue where the activator might be."

I shrug, "okay, well, I have a few locations in mind. There was this beach we always used to play in, where there was this huge hole in the cliff. However it's a bit too far in the open and public for there to be some sort of 'activator' there. Then there is Ivy's house, which is basically a graveyard and I'd rather not go in there. Then there's my house, which would be the easiest outcome, but isn't that answer a bit too obvious?"

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